Friday, January 29, 2016

Three, not two

Sometimes people say we need a third political party.  I believe we have the third - the media. There's been many times the media has quoted a politician and it caused me to be concerned, but when the politician was doing the speaking, I noticed the media had taken it out of context.  I've often said when the media talks about a conservative politician, I don't like what I'm hearing, but when the politician speaks, I'm impressed.

The big problem is the media is biased toward the Democrats and makes it two against one, not three distinct parties.  It's amazing how much the media will twist something and people will not only accept it, but run with it. Disturbing.  If they get caught in their fabrications, the apology is either non-existent or done is a way few to none learn about it.

I don't watch much news as a result, especially now that this is an election year.  The hoopla surrounding the election gets out of hand, but I have been watching the Republican debates and keeping a list, ranking them in the order of those I thought did best.  Last night's debates, while extremely rough on Ted Cruz had even more substance than previous debates.  Even Rand Paul stopped acting like a petulant child and John Kasich made sense.  The media is giving Donald Trump's absence all the credit and they may be right.

Having said all that, it is good for me to remember that God is Sovereign.  He chooses our leaders for His glory and our good. No matter who is chosen, God is in control. That's so helpful when I get annoyed with the media and their carefully chosen words designed to manipulate.

The first time I remember it being done was way back.  Hugh Downs compared a Republican to the Ayatollah. Those words have power and the media  That's how they turn people away from the truth and into puppets to be manipulated and ridiculed for being so stupid.

Did anyone else notice the moderators of the undercard getting slightly snarky about the fact that several comments on that stage were saying the exact same thing I'm saying here? Later, Chris Wallace and Megan Kelly were both sanctimonious last night-the most annoying part of the debate. Her big smile and the way she treated Ted Cruz on one occasion made me think she was gloating that she took down the Donald with one question and if Ted Cruz disagreed with her, he could be next. However, in all honesty, her interview with him after the debate seemed friendly, although she was still trying to prove she was right and he was wrong.  All three moderators asked good questions, but the phrasing can subtly twist the truth and people buy it.

Thankfully, when I get annoyed, that Still Small Voice reminds me that it's all part of God's plan. Those who believe God's Word know the time is coming when Iran will have a coalition of countries that will attack Israel and the United States will be nowhere to be found.  It's not hard to see how that could happen, given the political climate in this country right now.

Like David Jeremiah, I never dreamed some of these things would happen. Again. I am so grateful that God in His loving watchcare over me has protected me not only from this world I have to live in, but from agreeing with the world and it's shocking behavior.  Bottom line? As a follower of Jesus Christ, my job is to pray and to proclaim the Good News. The time grows short and there is much to do.  I have friends, family, neighbors, strangers in my life that need to know about Jesus and His love for them.

Focusing on politics, the media, or anything else except Jesus Christ is dangerous for the Christian. It makes us bitter. It hampers our relationship with Him and makes us ineffective witnesses to His truth and His love. It's our responsibility to be informed and aware, but not focused on world events.  We must focus on Him.

One of the boys at school is just beginning Through Gates of Splendor and I'm again reminded of how these men turned the world upside down by loving the Lord and their enemies so much they were willing to die for the sake of the Gospel.  Not only were they willing, but they did die. Instead of sitting around whining about the unfairness of the media or criticizing our politicians, I want to follow their example and turn my eyes on Jesus.   

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