Thursday, January 14, 2016


Tonight is another debate, so the news is full of information about the candidates.  If I were in the position, I would have questions for some of them.

For example, Hillary Clinton said in her testimony that the ambassador to Ben Ghazi was "her friend." She also said she chose him for the position.  However, she admitted that she never got one of the 600 emails he sent her, requesting increased security.  If he was such a good friend, why did it never occur to her that her good friend hadn't contacted her? Why didn't she ask about him?

If it were someone like me, I could understand instruct one of my underlings to contact the person and find out what's going on.  Why didn't she do that? Surely someone could have told her that he'd been repeatedly trying to contact her. I don't have a staff of hundreds, maybe thousands.  I often think of friends who've not been in contact for a long time and wonder how they're doing.  I'm one person. I couldn't instruct people I don't have to keep me posted on a someone who's not been in contact.

It's been heavily reported by the media that the Clintons are notorious for cutting someone off if there's any kind of disagreement.  Is that what happened? That 600 number bothers me.  I would have given up long before I reached that number. It's obvious the man was desperate.  If he was such a good friend, how could the information have been withheld without Clinton's knowledge?

The news said the other day that European bettors are better indicators of our winners than the polls. According to them, Clinton will be the next President.

I can see where that could happen.  Why?  Her husband was quite popular when he was President. By putting him on the campaign trail, it brings back memories for those who liked him.  They remember the Clinton's had a co-presidency and expect them to do it again. He'll be back in the White House and those who like him will expect him to be in charge again.

Of the Republican candidates, I have to wonder why they're becoming so much like the Democrats. Why all the putting someone else down in order to raise themselves up?  The media is on top of every sneeze the Republicans ever made (slight exaggeration, but not much).  Let them do the dirty work.  I want my leader to be noble, dignified, mature - a good leader.  I'm not interested in this finger pointing.

Finger pointing suggests desperation.  Why doesn't Trump read the laws about American citizenship. If it was so important to him, why did he back off when Obama finally showed a birth certificate from a hospital that reportedly was not built until 2 years after Obama was born?  The truth is Obama's mother was an American, unless she renounced her citizenship.  That would make it a totally different story.  Ted Cruz is an American citizen.  By law.  Legally.  So, move on already.

I would also ask Trump why no one is allowed to discuss his bankruptcies and marriages without him whining that people are being unfair.  He says he gave to all political candidates, not just Hillary Clinton.  Who among the Republicans did he give to?  Why hasn't anyone brought that up?

Why does he consider himself a conservative when he's for so many Democrat policies, including single payer insurance (Obamacare)?  Personally, I would appreciate it if he were able to say something more of substance than he would get the best people to work out a problem.  The media says he doesn't play well with others, so why if that's true, would he start now?

Has anyone thought about the fact that 20% of the Democrats say they like him well enough to vote for him?  Is that because he's more in line with liberal and progressive points of view?  Or is it because they're doing what many Republicans did in '08?  They crossed over and voted for Obama because they had such disrespect for Hillary.  Is that devious behavior going to come back to bite us? Will they do everything they can to get Trump chosen so they can then vote for Hillary in the election?

I deeply admire the man for the way he's reared his children.  No drugs. No alcohol.  Could he do the same for the country?

As for other candidates, I would ask some of them why they're hanging on. 1%, 2%, less than 1%. If those would drop out, perhaps the polls would change and we'd have a more clear idea of who the best candidate would be.

I would specifically ask Jeb Bush why he's been so rough on the very man he's mentored.  I would ask people why they think Rand Paul would make a good leader.  He can't get anyone in Congress to agree with him, what makes him think they will once he's President?  I could ask the same thing of Ted Cruz.  I must admit I believe the reason Cruz has a hard time getting people to go along with him is that he's busy pointing out the mistakes Congress is making and they don't like it.  That may make him a hard candidate elect.

Even talking heads are confused about what Kasich is talking about when he tries to present his point of view.  Me, too.  I guess, then, my question to him would be what in the world are you talking about?

The plethora of debates has done a great deal to help me narrow down who I'd vote for.  When it started, I was genuinely confused.  There were so many who seemed well qualified.  Now?  Not so much.  One by one, they've disappointed me and helped me to see I wouldn't want them as leader of this country.

Having said all that, I am ecstatic to know that I can rest securely in the knowledge that God chooses our leaders.  It's easy to see that every potential leader has clay feet.  Every one of them has said or done things that are not in the best interests of the country, but theirs instead.  It takes a huge ego to run for high office and often that ego gets off track.

It's often been said that Israel is God's time table.  Events that happen in the Middle East are following Scripture in a way most of us never dreamed possible.  That being the case, the United States is NOT mentioned in Scripture.  Lion cubs are mentioned, possibly alluding to America as England's colony.  Otherwise, no mention of this country, indicating we will no longer be a world leader.  Personally, I think that's already happened.  And, it's going to get worse.

The good news is Jesus is coming back.  Then, we'll have a world leader Who will bring peach for 1,000 years.  Lord, just keep me faithful.

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