Monday, January 25, 2016

What if?

One of my favorite Christmas movies happens to be "It's a Wonderful Life."  George goes through all sorts of difficulties and eventually things get so bad, he wants to end his life.  I'm sure you know God sends an angel to change George's mind and save his life.

On occasion, I've wondered what if I were never born?  That thought came to mind again tonight when I saw a Facebook post stating that the man believed in abortion.  I wonder if it's ever crossed his mind about what his mother would have chosen, had she the opportunity he's promoting to other mothers? What would the world have missed if he had never been born?

One of the most popular arguments for abortion is it's a woman's right to choose.  What about the baby's choice?  Or the father's?  The grandparents?

It's also popular to say it's a woman's body.  Correction. If that baby is part of the mother's body, then I have 6 feet, 6 inches of my body living in Tulsa and another 6 feet living in Jacksonville, while I'm in southern Florida!  Ain't happening.

True, the baby uses the mother's body for several months, developing to a place where he or she can live in the world.  The expression, "a bun in the oven" is more appropriate than some people may think.

I'm not in any  way belittling the difficulties of rearing a child alone-which is what happens so often in an unplanned pregnancy.  The choice is a difficult one.  There are many similarities between placing a child for adoption and choosing to terminate.  There is one HUGE difference.  One way chooses life and one death.

It's always hard to sit by and say nothing when someone who doesn't have to make such a horrendous decision blithely tells someone else to do it.  The talker doesn't have to face the consequences.  The mother does. Undoubtedly, the talker never considers the fact that he, his children, his grandchildren were given the opportunity to live.  Maybe it would be a good idea to give every baby that opportunity.

George's wonderful life is fiction, but it serves a good purpose,  It's a great reminder that all of us have purpose and meaning in our life and the world is diminished when a child is denied that chance to fulfill that purpose.  CHOOSE LIFE

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