Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Finished Corrie ten Boom this morning and started Billy Graham's latest book.  In it, he had a quote from President Theodore Roosevelt I consider profound.  "When you educate a man in mind and not in morals, you educate a menace to society."  Powerful words, indeed.

A writer of antiquity, Andrew Murray, said the same thing.  He pointed out that the devil tempted Eve by telling her she would have knowledge if she ate of the tree.  Eat she did along with Adam and we are still suffering consequences today-unless sin is repented and Jesus Christ has come into the heart.

Further in Dr. Graham's chapter, he states, "Greater than the enemy outside is the enemy within-sin. Every major civilization before us has disintegrated and collapsed from internal forces rather than military conquest." Those words capture a great deal of what I was trying to say in yesterday's blog.

We need to realize that ISIS is not our enemy.  They're that outside force that will be the consequence of the internal disintegration and collapse we are guilty of in our pride, greed, envy, corruption, and violence.  The news said the other day that people are angrier today than they were a year ago.  How's it working out for us?

It's frustrating, I know, to watch people behave with impunity.  However, I need to realize they'll not always get away with their corruption.  Even if they seem to, they still have to answer to Holy God in eternity.  I don't envy them.  I feel sorry for them. Eternity in hell is a horrible price to pay for rejecting Jesus Christ.

So, what's my part?  What am I to do?  I go back to Betsy ten Boom, Corrie's sister.  It is my responsibility to tell them of the love of Jesus.  Whenever Corrie would express anger or frustration at the behavior of her enemy, Betsy would correct her and say she felt sorry for them.  They were suffering.

And, they are.  Anyone who doesn't know Jesus is suffering.  They may be blind to it, but it's there none the less.  That's why there's pride, greed, envy, corruption, and violence.  As a follower of Jesus, I need to show the love of Jesus to those who don't know about it.

I've often heard young people say they admire the lifestyle of the elderly.  But, they don't follow it. Why? Are they too proud to admit they've made mistakes? Have they not been taught the same things of those they admire?  Are they feeling hopeless, that there's no use?  Are they afraid of being ostracized by their peers?

From the time of Adam and Eve, we've all fallen, made some horrible mistakes.  Every effort at living a peaceful and orderly life seems to just be another mistake, like a domino effect.  The young who admire the elderly need to understand we have regrets, too.  But, we've found the One Who will wipe the slate clean.  That's what we need to be telling them.  Whether or not they listen is their ball park.  If they want an end to pride, envy, greed, corruption, and violence, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life.  Abundant Life.

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