Saturday, May 9, 2015

Hobby to Jobby

A friend once told me writers must be very self-disciplined.  Scratch that.  Well, I've tried.  Take this morning for example.  All set to start my day the usual way-seeking the Lord in Bible study and prayer, but when I opened my eyes, it was daylight and the first detour on the way to self-discipline. Generally, I get up at 4:30 to be alone with the Lord.  Then, Bob greets me with a request to help him wax the car.  Detour two.

Once I start something, I take it farther than the original intention.  Let me digress and explain that in Florida, you cannot wash windows.  They must be polished.  There is some mysterious combination of salt air from the ocean and the dust, pollution, whatever that combines and is very difficult to get off windows.  The only way to be sure the windows, especially the windshield, is clean is to move the car into the sun and see if there are streaks.  Detour 3.

Moving the car showed the carport desperately needed sweeping.  And, the slatted door to the a/c unit needed washed.  Detour 4.  Of course, if the carport needed sweeping, so did the front porch.  Detour 5.  After that was done I took the window cleaner and a cleaning cloths in the house to put away. Instead,  off I go to clean bathrooms.  Detour 6. All the while I'm working, my mind is working overtime, filled with ideas to write on my blog and in book three.  (My River of Delights)

Finally, I sit down to read my Bible and all those ideas are swimming around behind my eyes, making concentration extremely difficult.  Detour 7.  I figured I'd get today's blog done and that would be enough so that I could finally pray.  HA!  Sat in front of a blank page for several minutes before I finally decided to back up and start over.  That was what was needed.  As I poured out my troubled thoughts before Him, I was able to clear my head and get down to business.

Which is why I'm writing this.  Some published authors I respect have advised me to:
1. get an agent
2. give up self-publishing
3. attend Christian writers' conferences to hone my skills to become the author God wants me to be.
This is not a hobby.  It's work and I need to learn to treat it as such.

First, I have to set priorities:
1.  learn how to use the computer.
2.  be more disciplined in my writing.  No more writing when the mood strikes.  Discipline!
3.  investigate and choose a conference to attend
4.  seek the advice of those more experienced
5.  find an agent
Oh well, being disciplined and doing what I love is a whole lot better than twiddling my thumbs as I grow old.  I now have a job.  It's about time.

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