Monday, January 12, 2015

Mixed up, messed up garden

I hate to be so grumpy, I really do, but it hurts me to see supposedly intelligent people say things that make no sense at all.

This morning's news had a story about a 17 year old in Connecticut who doesn't want chemo.  She wants to go natural, but the state is forcing her to take the chemo because she's "not old enough to make such an important decision."  OK, Fine.  What about the political blowhards who want to lower the age of sexual consent to 14?  Does that make sense?  If a 17 year old can't make decisions about a life threatening illness, how can a 14 year old make good decisions when her insecurities and hormones are screaming?

That's why Planned Parenthood makes a small fortune off them, giving them birth control pills (which do NOT stop STD's, or the release of the bonding hormone that causes broken hearts, OR THE PREDATORS WHO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM.) Or supplying terminations on demand (which can be even more destructive to young psyches).

Come on, now.  Wake up America.  How destructively hypocritical do the "experts" have to get before they stop the carnage?

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