Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Singing Along Life's Road

Pastor and author Vance Havener once wrote that more lies are told over a hymnbook than any other place.  How often have I sung the hymns in church because that's what was being done at the time? Knowing the hymns by heart doesn't really mean they're in my heart and changing it. Sad. Since I've read Havener's comment, I've made every effort to pay attention to what's being sung.  Setting truth to music is to benefit the believer and zoning out is not only losing the benefits, it makes me a liar.

Not long ago, Ravi Zacharias made the comment that our relationship with Jesus Christ affects all of us, including our emotions.  In fact, Luke 2:52 says that Jesus grew "in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man."  His intellect grew, He grew physically, He grew spiritually, and socially. Campus Crusade for Christ taught me that it's important for those four areas to grow in order to be healthy.  Dr. Widder, professor at Moody Bible Institute, taught that when all of those areas are in sync, emotional health is stable as well.

Zacharias stated firmly several times he was not talking about frenzied emotional acts that passes for worship, but a deep response to who God is and what He's done.  If that deep response is absent, there's something wrong with my relationship.  His words convicted me, like Vance Havener's writing.

It sent me on a search for the Lord with my whole heart.  I felt that my first love had grown cold, like the Lord had accused the Ephesian church in Revelation 2:4. My relationship was restored and refreshed by the Lord.  It was nothing I did, except search for Him wholeheartedly.  It started Sunday morning when my granddaughter and I attended Easter Sunday service at the large Baptist church we had attended the Sunday after Thanksgiving. The orchestra began the service by playing a medley of Easter hymns.  I can't even tell you which ones now, but it brought tears to my eyes.

I like this particular church that we visit.  They are a huge church of thousands and 2, maybe 3 services each Sunday.  This has never been the type of church we're accustomed to attending or joining.  The church we belong to now is less than 200, but it's family and truth is being preached. It's also a church that sings hymns and Gospel songs rather than choruses.  Going into a huge church means the music is going to be different.  There's no hymn books.  Power point means that singing is "Off the wall" according to one man.  Since I'm unaccustomed to the music, it's hard to join in.

This particular church, however, has a pastor who loves the old hymns and at least one is sung during the service.  It makes the music more meaningful to me. It enhances worship.  This particular pastor also preaches truth.  His Easter message was a strong sermon on how to be sure we truly know Christ. The message and the final song continued the powerful emotions that were coursing through me.  I doubt anyone knew what was going on in my heart and that, to me, is the way it should be.  It was worship that God knew and that's all that's important.

But, that service was in Jacksonville and it may be months before we get back there.  Even here at home, services are not ongoing.  I am not putting down my own church.  Truth is preached and hymns are sung.  Unfortunately, 200 or less singing is not quite so amazing as 2,000. Obviously, there's more to life than attending church and singing hymns, so how do I nourish that first love in everyday life in Sebastian?

Enter the internet.  Over a year ago, I mentioned to a friend that the Christmas song, "Ten Thousand Joys" is the most beautiful Christmas carol I ever heard, but I only got to hear it once.  My friend said to pull it up on youtube and listen to it at home.  Well, duh.  I did as she suggested and will each Christmas God leaves me here on earth. Unfortunately, until yesterday, I never thought to take that advice for other hymns.

Now, as well as spending time in prayer and Bible reading, I listen to heavenly voices lifting praise to the Lord and my spirit is nourished.  I don't have to listen to the news, to the bickering, the lies, the rudeness, the vulgarity. Thank you, Lord.

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