Thursday, November 20, 2014

Now that's funny

For some strange reason, I began to think about some of our moves over the past 51 years.  33 to be exact.  Sometimes funny things happened, sometimes annoying, sometimes downright disgusting. The time that came to mind this morning is funny now, well, I guess I was laughing then, too.

Bob's company moved us to Smithville, Tennessee from Dalton, Georgia, and then put him on the road.  Come to think of it, they did that a lot.  The house we'd purchased was out a country road, ten miles from town and over 100 yards from the nearest neighbor.  We didn't know a soul, except for the Realtor who sold us the place and the people we bought it from.

Since Bob was on the road so much and I didn't know anybody, I decided to drive to Pittsburgh one autumn week to see my folks and the son of the friend who'd joined the Pittsburgh Boy Choir.  It was a delightful week away from the loneliness,  but I had to go home sometime.

The trip back wasn't quite as nice as the trip there.  It poured buckets somewhere around Knoxville. It was so hard, the rain splashed off the road and hid the tail lights of the Greyhound bus I was following.  If  you know anything about Greyhound buses, you know they allow no grass to grow under their tires.  I was determined to keep up.  I figured he'd let me know if there were any road hazards ahead.  80 MPH in rain so hard I couldn't see the tail lights is not exactly a safe thing to do, but the Lord brought me home safely.

There was a message on the phone when I got back.  "You're going to die.  Tonight.  The both of you."  Not exactly the welcome home I was anticipating.  I figured it was teens making doing a prank call, but I still called the police and informed them of the situation.  Bob wasn't due home for another week.

I slept, but did so lightly.  About midnight, the sound of a car going by on the road wakened me.  I got up to check the house and discovered in one of the spare bedrooms a blinking red light facing the road! Dan had a lamp that the base could be used as a night light.  When the bulb burned out, he replaced it with a red one and the move had loosened it.  Can you imagine what the police thought as they drove by to check on my safety, only to find a blinking red light in my bedroom window?  Blush.

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