Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Pardon the Interruption

Here we go again.  Computer problems for more than a week.  They're not all solved, yet, but we're getting there.  It seems that internet explorer had somehow managed to duplicate itself-maybe as much as 10 times. I was running multiple operating systems all at once. My computer complained bitterly by making loud clicking noises and buzzing.  I wondered if it was going to explode.  I would type a letter, wait about 10 seconds for it to appear on the screen, type another letter and it would do the same thing again.  Have any idea how long it would take to write a chapter with all that going on?  Boo!  Hiss!

My dear husband, bless his heart, has been so patient, so methodical, so heroic in attempting to solve the problem.  He didn't sleep at all Sunday night, came home from church and sat down at the computer till late Monday morning.  Called our expert and he responded yesterday afternoon.  Took him 1 1/2 hours to find the problem.  Then, Bob had to spend more time reloading everything.  That's what I mean by saying we're not done, yet.

To make matters worse, contact with my publisher has been interfered with.  I'm hoping "The Color of Roses" will be in print by Christmas, but the way things are going, it may not.

However, this morning, my reading in "Jesus Calling" brought tremendous comfort.  For July 22, author Sarah Young says,  "Find freedom  through seeking to please Me above all else.  You can have only one Master.  When you let others' expectations drive you, you scatter your energy to the winds.  Your own desire to look good can also drain your energy.  I am your Master, and I do not drive you to be what you are not.  Your pretense displeases Me, especially when it in My 'service.'  Concentrate on staying close to Me at all times.  It is impossible to be inauthentic while you are focusing on My Presence."

Good, bad, or otherwise, it's in the Lord's hands and I'm along for the ride, bumpy though it may seem at times.  It reminds me of David and the apostles.  Their life was full of bumps and bruises and yet, they soldiered on.  Their purpose in life was established by God and their seeking His Presence enabled them to accomplish what God had for them.  No one could call them inauthentic.  Here am I, Lord.  Let me seek you as the deer pants for the water. (Psalm 42:1)

Such freedom to let the Lord be in control.  Will I ever learn?

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