Saturday, June 6, 2015

How you say it continued

There's nothing I'd rather do than write about something other than people's heartaches, but the second interview of the Duggar daughters was yesterday and I'm still feeling passionate about the situation.  Both girls feel that this media abuse is "1000 times worse" than what their brother did to them.  Why would they feel that way?  One of them touched on it, but it was never discussed in depth.  I firmly believe it is because all these talking heads that are crucifying the family are making money on their heartache.

We've become a nation of pompous know-it-alls, pontificating on something we know little or nothing about.  Even Dr. Keith Ablow showed himself to be a less than stellar professional last night. He made a crack about the counseling the family members being less than expert.  I heard the word "licensed" at least three times.  Yes, they were Christian counselors and yes, the state licensed them, meaning they were well qualified.  Just because he doesn't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ doesn't give him the right to cast aspersions on those who do.  If he actually listened, he might learn something he desperately needs to know.  So how much money were you paid Dr. Ablow to give your opinion?

Jim Bob also said the secular counseling they checked into didn't have a good track record.  That's why they sought other avenues.  Yes, when Josh first went away, they sent him to someone who was experienced, but perhaps not licensed.  But, that wasn't the end of it, Dr. Ablow.  They continued to get counseling from licensed professionals.

I would still like to ask everyone of the sanctimonious bullies who are piling on what they have in their background they don't expect to come out.  Those who are immoral as adults didn't wait until they were 21 to get started.  No, it started a long time ago.  What they don't realize is that someday, it will come out.  Maybe not in front of imperfect people they can persuade to forgive them.  But, they will stand before a Holy God and give an accounting.  With Him, there is "no injustice, or partiality, or bribery."

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