To explain, I found the author to be highly intelligent, hard working, religious, and deserving of high praise, even from me, who disagrees with her politically. I found her efforts at honesty something to admire. However, she has blind spots. Seeing her blind spots wakened me to the fact that I have them, too. Because of our differing perspectives, our blind spots are different, but we both have them.
For example, take a look at the subtitle of her book. "The Story of Break-Ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House." Really? At one point, she states that Donald Trump was colluding with the Russians without one scintilla, one iota of evidence.Wrong. The panic and paranoia those hacks caused could well have distracted experts like herself and caused her to do less on the election and could have caused some votes to be lost. I'll give her that. However, from my perspective, Democrats chose an extremely flawed candidate who has more enemies than friends. Her illegal and unprotected private server could have been how the Russians got even more damaging information as well.
Ms. Brazile speaks of the President's flaws. I'll agree. However, one of her blind spots is the flaws of Hillary Clinton and the Obamas. We're ALL flawed. She claims Hillary Clinton is an honest woman. Really? Hmm, what about her getting off the plane in a hail of bullets? Or how about her saying there was no fire, even if there was smoke? Bleach bits? A private, illegal server? Her husband's talk with Loretta Lynch was only about golf and grandchildren? Her sale of uranium to the Russians? Russian contributions to the Clinton Foundation? If that's honest, I have a bridge for sale.
She also denied Hillary had health problems. That she was a hard worker. She excoriates Trump for latching on to Hillary's collapse. However, there were occasions when Trump was hard at work while Hillary was resting at home and it cannot be denied that Hillary did collapse. She may have been a hard worker, but not hard enough to win the Presidency. She may be healthy, but she was not on at least one occasion, leading to speculation about the other times she went home instead of campaigning.

She makes a very strong case for the Russian hacking. Let's face it. Hacking is wrong, but so are the terrible things Democrats said in those emails they wanted to keep hidden. If they hadn't said those terrible things there wouldn't be a story, would there? Again, it may have been God using the Russians. His Word plainly states to be sure our sins will find us out. Although she spent a great deal of time praying for her candidate, God said no. He said the same to me when Obama was in office.
Since Ms. Brazile was big enough to apologize to donors who got caught in the crossfire, let me do the same to her. I am ashamed of any Republican who threatened her life because she's a Democrat and worked hard to elect Hillary Clinton. And, I'm sorry. I will go further and say behavior like that is NOT Republican. It's despicable for anyone, Democrat, Republican, or Independent. I will also say the Trumps deserve an apology as well. Their lives have been disrupted and threatened far more than any Democrat donor and even Ms. Brazile herself. According to her, the threats stopped when Trump won. The Trumps are still suffering.
To be honest, I asked for "Hacks" as a Christmas present because of the comments she made about Hillary's ingratitude for her hard work. I was hoping she was going to talk about political hacks, not computer hacking. The definition of political hacks are people whose interests are more aligned to victory than personal conviction. I admit my motives were not nice because I see Democrat loyalty to victory more important to them than governing. My bad.

In both the beginning and at the ending of the book, Ms. Brazile mentioned the importance of listening to the people. From my perspective, the Clinton campaign people weren't the only ones who weren't listening. If Democrats had been listening to all voters in flyover states instead of just Democrats in the coastal states, the Lord might have allowed a different outcome. No. He chose Donald Trump to fulfill His purposes.