Geraldo Rivera was on Fox recently, saying all sorts of things that are unknown. "Suppose" this and "Maybe" that. Ainsley Airheart told him that wasn't journalism. It was speculation. She's right. Conjecture would be another good word. Guess. Or outright lie. Whatever it is, it's NOT journalism.

Did the media learn it's lesson? Nope. They're still smarting under the defeat of their choice, Hillary. Now, they're using their bully pulpit to scare the daylights out of people and to sabotage the President.

At the doctor's office the other day, another patient was trying desperately to convince the receptionist that people were going to lose medical coverage if Obamacare was ended. The receptionist very gently informed her that Obamacare was a system that needs to be ended.
Then the woman started in on the President, how he knew nothing about foreign affairs. I told her I would like to set her mind at ease. Trump has made every mistake in the book. He's even had some original ones. He's hated by the Democrats, despised by elite Republicans, and is detested by the media. But, he's still the President. Why? God chose him.
The media is fear mongering. They've scared the poor woman witless. I noticed the same thing happening to my mother as she aged. She would dwell on the muggings, the robberies, the rapes that happened to the elderly. It's all she could talk about when I called her.
Well, the talking heads have to say something to fill the empty space. We were a lot better off when we had a half hour of news at 6:00, 11:00, and maybe one in the morning. Fillers weren't needed. There wasn't time for them.
I spent a lot of time thinking about that poor woman who was so frightened. If I could see her again, I would make some suggestions. First, I would tell her to turn off the TV. It takes days, weeks, months, even years for the news to actually happen after the media starts suggesting it. Are they trying for self-fulfilling prophecy? It's anti-climatic if the event actually happens. And, it never lives up to the screaming headlines that were used to drum up attention.

When I finished reading, I would turn out the light and say, "God, I'm so glad You're in control." In the morning, the first thought I would have would be, "God, I'm so glad You're in control." I am sure that poor woman would no longer be so anxious about things that will never happen at all, especially since she can't stop them even if they do happen. My mother was never mugged, robbed, or raped, and yet she worried about it all the time. I'm reminded of the ad that quotes Caesar saying the coward dies a thousand deaths. My mother was no coward, but she worried needlessly. The Psalmist says don't fret. It only leads to evil.
The more I thought about what I would like to have told the other patient, the more I realized it was good for me, too. Last night, before bed, I told God I was so glad He was in control. This morning, I told Him the same thing. Nothing has changed in my life. There are still "issues," but they're not in my hands. They're in God's. Peace, sweet peace coming down from the Father above.
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