The announcement that President Trump would announce the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem is causing an outcry from those who've hated him since the day he announced his candidacy for the Presidency. Frankly, it's a little hypocritical. President Trump was a Democrat at one time. If he'd have run as a Democrat, they would have adored him. Like Reagan, he changed parties because the Democrats have moved in a direction he didn't believe was in the country's best interests.

His move today reminds me of Harry Truman, another reason to consider Democrats who hate Trump hypocritical. If Harry Truman had not been a man to uphold the courage of his convictions, there'd be no Israel today. In May, 1948, Truman recognized Israel as a state and the rest of the world went nuts. Sound familiar?
Truman was also a man who spoke his mind. Sometimes with less than diplomatic words. He didn't hesitate to call someone as SOB, regardless of the status of the individual he was talking about. From Stalin to Martin Luther King, he spoke his mind. Democrats loved it. Republicans, not so much, but certainly not with the hysterical vituperative vitriol we're hearing now.
Regardless, the fact is that today President Trump will change history. He's the only President who has proved to be a man of his word out of the last four. Clinton, Bush, and Obama all said they would move the embassy to Jerusalem and recognize it as Israel's capitol. Like Harry Truman, President Trump has done a good thing, no matter what others say.

Former ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, just said the reason the UN doesn't want this done, is because they want to have jurisdiction in Jerusalem. Many are screaming it will destroy the peace process between Jews and Muslims. What peace process? Every effort has been met with the announcement that Muslims have every intention of wiping Israel off the map.
I just found Truman's statement and think it's a good fit for Republican President Trump as well as Democrat President Harry Truman. Harry Truman was known as "Give em hell, Harry." For President Trump, I thinks he's doing the same thing. I say, job well done, Mr. President.
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