Monday, August 7, 2017

Attitude of gratitude

Exciting times these days. Our son called last night to relieve our anxieties about the tornado-category 2- that ripped up a few stores less than a mile away from where he and his family live. August tornadoes are rare and while there were no deaths, there were damages and injuries, but our son's family was untouched. No need to explain an attitude of gratitude there.

About 10 days ago, I broke my foot and had to stop the morning walks I was enjoying so much. It wasn't easy to be grateful because I've not been exercising for quite a while and finally got around to it again. Three weeks later, it all came to a halt. But, I am grateful. I am reminded again that God loves me and does what's best for me, He's not interested in how much I exercise. He wants to know if I trust Him to do what's best for me.

I have to admit, I wasn't too grateful this morning when I had to walk during shopping. The handicap carts have different instructions for all of them and I couldn't figure them out! A manager asked if he could help me with anything else after he told me where to find the walnuts.  I told him about the carts and he said he'd have to look into it. He understood my frustration, but I smarted off by telling him to tell that to my doctor-and my aching foot and leg! I had to go back and apologize for my bad attitude. Yes, I was frustrated and hurting, but that does not excuse me. As a Christian, I am to be Christ-like and my attitude wasn't.

While I was in the office at home, there was a loud thump, sounding like something hit the house. Concerned that Bob may have fallen, I went to check on him. Sheila was on the love seat, staring out the window, something she doesn't usually do unless someone is approaching the house. Bob was fine and on his way out the door to check on what caused the noise. "There's a car on fire in front of the school!" he exclaimed. Sure enough, flames were coming from both ends of the van. Two fire trucks and three police cars were there, but no ambulance, something to be very grateful for.

I have to say I'm grateful that the Lord has shown me that I'm too high strung to have a job like a policeman or a fireman. They took their sweet time turning the hose on the fires. Me, I would have been scampering about like something insane and not getting anything accomplished other than getting all in a dither. They got the job done in a calm, professional manner. Thanks, Lord.

What was interesting about the fire is that when they turned the hose on it, there was an explosion and a shower of large white sparks, like fireworks. Never saw anything like it before. It happened three or four times. Both in the front of the van and the back. The van was delivering new carpet for the school, so what caused the fire is unknown. Apparently, the carpet man was inside the school, ripping out the old carpet when the fire started.

Again, we have much to be grateful for. The school was just a few feet away and if the wind had been blowing in a westerly direction, it could have burned down the school. However, it was blowing in a northerly direction and there are no buildings that way that could have been harmed.

School starts in a couple of weeks, and I'm grateful for that. The boys are so precious. I had the privilege of scoring one of the boys entry tests today (gave me something to do while I'm laid up.) The boys are tested to determine what they've accomplished in previous schools, rather than for aptitude or IQ. I'm in love already and sincerely hope he'll be joining us when school starts. They're such a joy.

Not sure, though, how grateful I should be for my boss. When he called to ask if I could doing the scoring, I was telling him that I was teasing Bob about getting me one of those truffle blizzards. Bob said he didn't love me that much. Today, I told Bob he really loves me more because he knows I don't need a truffles blizzard. My boss ignored that part of the conversation and brought me one when he brought the tests. I'm grateful I don't want another one. They're OK, but nothing to write home about, so I'm grateful for the lesson.

All in all, I have much to be thankful for. The Bible tells us to be thankful in everything. It's a great way to live.

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