Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Kamikaze Christie

The first official primary election occurred last night and the results were an outstanding win for Sanders and Trump did extremely well, too.  Marco Rubio has gone on national television and apologized for his poor performance in Saturday night's debate.  Very noble of him to do so.

Chris Christie went after him like a Japanese kamikaze pilot dive bombing an American ship.  The pilot burned out, the ship's still going, damaged, to be sure, but still afloat.  Christie has made many good points on several occasions, but I did think he was way over the top on Saturday, especially since he was always the one to call a halt to the bickering between other candidates and reminding them they were all Republicans and needed to follow Reagan's 11th commandment. Apparently, the voters of New Hampshire felt the same way.  He was also so busy dissing Rubio, he never responded to Rubio's comment that New Jersey's credit rating has been down graded 9 times. That's a very serious allegation.  Maybe more people noticed that than Christie realized.  Regardless, he's suspended his campaign.

As has Carly Fiorina.  I'm so sorry she couldn't get the traction she deserved.  Most pundits admitted she was the most articulate, the most well-prepared person in the debates.  She was also the best at answering the questions asked instead of running off in another direction about a tough question.  She was asked repeatedly about her situation at Hewlett Packard and I know the restructuring angered a lot of people.

I understand restructuring.  I lost the best job I ever had as a social worker at Holy Cross Hospital because the hospital was bleeding money badly.  No, I didn't want to lose that job, but I understand they did what they had to do.  Now, if I found out that the nuns got richer for it while a lot of us suffered, that would be upsetting.  That's my complaint about Trump's four company bankruptcies. He didn't suffer, but the employees did.

I was glad to see Cruz do as well as he did. At one point, it was mentioned that he had pretty much given up on New Hampshire. They weren't going to vote for him, anyway.  But, they did. Congratulations to him.

Congratulations to John Kasich as well.  He has made several statements I disagree with and several that give pause for thought.  Most cannot see him as the winner.  He just doesn't have the money and his policies are not well received in the South.  If Trump wins, maybe he'll make Kasich his running mate.

Congratulations also to Jeb Bush.  He did much better in New Hampshire and he seems to be moving up in the polls.  At this particular point, his biggest draw back may be "Bush fatigue."  Wonder what happened to "Clinton fatigue?" It's been said she's not well liked among Democrats, but they just don't have anyone else. A very poor reason to give her my vote, were I a Democrat.

I'm not sure what Ben Carson's and Jim Gilmore's strategy is.  Carson only got 2% of the vote and Gilmore didn't even register.  And, yet they remain in the race while Fiorina and Christie got far more votes and have suspended their campaigns. So many people have said they really like Carson, but they just don't think he's electable. That's becoming apparent. No, I don't think the Cruz situation in Iowa has anything to do with it.  Any Carson supporter who didn't vote for him because the news went out that Carson was giving up wasn't much of a supporter in the first place.

It's also been mentioned that it would be good if whoever wins wold place their opponents in the cabinet.  That sounds like a great idea to me.  It would be very healing for the party and very good for the country, I'm sure.

In the meantime, I would like most of all to see more substance and less of the back stabbing.  You cannot make yourself look better by putting someone else down.  It only makes you look mean-spirited, cheap, and undeserving of the office of the President.

Still praying about who I'll vote for.

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