Monday, December 7, 2015

America's Team

I watched most of the Steeler's game last night and felt like they were at last showing the gumption they've been know for.  To tell you the truth, I haven't watched them much since Terry Bradshaw left in 81 or 82. Watching the game brought back a lot of memories and made some new ones as well.

We were in San Antonio one year when they played and beat Dallas in the Super Bowl.  Several of my co-workers wanted me to bet. I refused, saying God wouldn't let me bet and if I did, the Steeler's would lose.  At that time, Dallas was known and "America's team."  That rankled a little.  I believed then and do even more so now that Pittsburgh is America's Team.  More about that in a bit.

The second time Pittsburgh played Dallas in the Super Bowl, we were living in Honolulu.  Due to the time change, the game came on during our church service.  Some of the chaplain's assistants would slip out during church, run across the street and ask someone what the score was.  They'd return with the information and whisper it to someone sitting in the back pew.  The news would spread like wildfire through the church. Chaplain Schaffer was so upset, as he shook hands with everyone leaving the chapel that day, he'd mutter something about the Dallas Steelers and the Pittsburgh Cowboys.  Pittsburgh won that day, too.

Still, Dallas was known as America's Team.  Roger Stabaugh (sp?) was the quarterback and well respected. He was a graduate of the Naval Academy before he played football, but whether he actually served in combat is unknown.  However, Pittsburgh has at least two team members who served.  Rocky Bliar served during Viet Nam and was so seriously wounded, he was told he'd never walk again.  Not only did he walk again, he came all the way back to play for the Steelers.  I remember after he retired, his replacement allowed Bradshaw to be sacked.  Bradshaw was one unhappy camper.  I can sometimes read lips and what Bradshaw said to the guy was not something I would repeat.  The announcers said that Rocky would NEVER have allowed that to happen.

In Rolla, Missouri, we had a member of our church that was trying out for another pro team.  He told us that everyone who made the team had to go through the whole process every year.  No one automatically returned.  The young rookies who were hungry would do their best to replace the vets.  Rocky had to fight his way through that, even as a wounded vet and he did it.  My hat's off to him.

I remember when we were moving from Arizona to New Jersey.  Two station wagons full of screaming men and waving signs passed us somewhere in Ohio between Columbus and Zanesville.  I couldn't believe it. They were saying the Steelers won!  I told Bob the Steelers hadn't won since Washington was President. When we arrived home, the first thing I did was ask Mom about it.  She assured me the Steelers were winners, with two quarterbacks, both named Terry.  Terry Hanratty didn't stay much longer, but Bradshaw did and guided them to 4 Super Bowls.

Now, we live in Florida and I'm amazed at the number of Steeler fans.  We have so many neighbors from Long Island, New York, I've often joked that we live in Southern New York.  There's not nearly as many fans for any other team as there are the Steelers.   One reason I say they're America's Team.

Then, last night, I learned there is another combat veteran on the team.  Villeneau (sp?)  That's another reason why I say the Steeler's are America's Team.  Pittsburgh is an old city that has seen a melting pot of ownership.  Indian names are prominent throughout the area, as are French names. The French owned the area before the English.  Many people came from Europe and worked the coal mines and steel mills, meaning there are areas that are German, Jewish, Italian, Eastern European, and many others.  But, it's the fact that this blue collar city has reared it's children to love their country enough to serve it in times of war that makes me so proud of my heritage and the Steeler's.

It's Christmas time and the catalogs are coming thick and fast.  Without exception, every one that sells pro football memorabilia, uses the Steelers as their examples of what's for sale.  They're America's Team all right.

Last night, they did their fans proud.  They played brilliantly.  And they had fun.  Who will ever forget the fellow trying to "stick" the ball to the goalpost and scaring the guard half out of her wits when he grabbed her jacket before falling to the ground?  He was all twinkling eyes and huge grin.  Good for him.  I'm only sorry I was flipping channels when ads came on and didn't get to see him to his full punt return to touchdown.  I've never seen one and missed it last night.  I just caught the last 10 yards.

Will they be able to earn a wild card spot?  Who knows?  Even if they don't, they're still great.  Of course, when I'm around my granddaughter, I have to be careful what I say.  She's a Jaguars fan.  Good for her. She's lived most of her life in Jacksonville and has every reason to be loyal to her team.  But, as many moves as we've made, it's still the Steelers for me.

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