Friday, June 26, 2015

More about faith

The wise  comment at the bottom of today's Daily Bread is "Eyes of faith see God at work in everything."  Those are encouraging words.  As we watch the events of world unfold and see so much darkness and misery,  I am encouraged to know that even though the enemy thinks he's winning, he's playing right into God's hands!

Perhaps that realization has come from the fact that I'm reading through the book of Job right now. At the very beginning of the book, the enemy comes before the throne of God and God challenges him to examine Job's life.  The enemy takes the bait and for most of the rest of the book, Job is miserable. Even his closest friends misunderstood.  They made his life even more miserable.  Unfortunately, that happens today, too.  However, the good news is that, like Job, God is working it all out for His glory and our good.  At the end, Job had a deeper understanding of who God is and God blessed him as richly as before.

When American Christians look with horror at the terrible things that are happening around the world, it makes us wonder if those things will happen here.  Truthfully, they've already begun, as I mentioned in yesterday's blog.  Why can't our government see?  Unfortunately, many of them are spiritually blinded. They have no eyes of faith.  That too, is part of God's plan.

I'm also reading about persecution in the book of Acts.  Persecutions of the early church scattered the believers throughout the known world, taking the Gospel with them wherever they went.  I have to wonder if the persecution of the American church will become severe enough to cause many of us to scatter throughout the world.  If so, will those who scatter take the Gospel to wherever they go?

Will those who stay behind be able to sing God's praises though their prison bars, dressed in chains, as the Apostle Paul did?  Jesus tells us not to worry about such things.  If it happens in our lifetime, He'll provide the message we are to give.

To be honest, sometimes when I hear Christians complaining about how terrible our world (government) has become, I want to ask why give the bullies the satisfaction of knowing they're causing us pain?  It's music to their ears.  I'm sure if we were flies on the wall in our halls of government, we'd hear raucous laughter because we are indignantly complaining they can't destroy our government. It's not only happening, they're having a good time doing it, but they don't realize they're playing right into God's hands.

How can I say such a nasty thing?  When you've lived long enough, you'll see it, too.  George Soros was asked if he felt remorse for the way he mistreated other Jews in the German concentration camp during WWII.  He said no.  He rather enjoyed it.  

What he and others of his ilk and position don't realize is that God is laughing at them.  It's in the Psalms.  It's part of His plan.  Just as He used Job's difficulties to reveal Himself to Job, his sanctimonious friends, and everyone who reads the Bible, God has placed us here in this day and time for His glory.  Regardless of the circumstances, let's just praise the Lord.  He's worthy and we'll be richly blessed by His loving Presence no matter where we are or what's happening to us.


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