Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Miracles still happen

Persecution Project called me a short time ago.  It's a Non-governmental agency that does work in South Sudan.  Through our church, we've been following the situation over there for several years. It's tough.  Sometimes it's so bad it's hard to read the newsletters.  The suffering is intense.

In fact, on Sunday, there was an announcement that two pastors have been captured and are being tortured by Sudan.  For those of you who are unaware, a few years ago, the country of Sudan divided and became two countries.  In the north is Sudan.  It's about all Muslim.  One area that is not is the Nuba mountains and that's where so much of the terror and torture is occurring.  The Nuba mountains are rich with oil.  The Sudanese government is trying to destroy the Christians or force them to become Muslim.

I remember when Parade magazine in Sunday's paper used to list the top 10 worst world leaders. Those most known for their cruelty and acts of violence against their own people.  The leader of Sudan was almost always number one.  When South Sudan was formed, it was hoped the Nuba would be incorporated in the South.  The Nuba are predominantly Christian, as is South Sudan. However, that did not happen.

The man who called said they had to meet in caves and on the day they arrived, 4 of them exploded about 1/4 mile from the cave where they were hiding.  The night before, 7 went off, killing one boy. He mentioned several others as well.

Now for the good news.  Not too long ago, several Christian pastors were captured, taken away, and forced to kneel.  Whether they were going to be shot, stoned, or beheaded was unknown.  As they knelt awaiting their fate at the hands of their captors, their captors were suddenly surrounded by bees! So many bees they were forced to run for their lives, leaving the pastors to flee to safety!  The pastors were not stung!  Isn't God amazing?

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