Monday, April 6, 2015

In a pickle

Well, our beloved grandson, Jordan, just made a big liar out of his grandma.  He was so excited about being baptized in the Jordan River while he was in Israel and then he backed out-after I told every body and their brother about the upcoming event!

He hasn't talked to me, yet, so I can only go on what his dad says. According to Dan, Jordan was afraid it would become a thing of pride and he wasn't willing to risk that.  Hmm.  I remember his dad saying the same thing when he was that age.

Dan had been accepted to Letourneau College in Texas, about 90 miles east of Dallas.  His then girlfriend and now wife, Tina, had checked with modeling agencies in St. Louis in the hopes they could pay their way through college by modeling.  Both had everything they needed to do the job.

In fact, I had to threaten more than one woman on more than one occasion to stop messing with my son's soul.  One woman was married, 27, had 3 kids and made an absolute fool of herself over a 15 year old boy!  Mama bear stepped in and made her sentiments (claws) known.

Dan, however, refused to even apply at agencies in Dallas once he got to Texas.  His reason?  He believed the Lord had called him to the mission field and he was afraid if he started making that kind of money, it would come between him and the Lord.  A friend later asked me, "How did he get so wise?"

Dan's not sure Jordan is being totally honest with himself or others about the reason he backed out, just as I'm not sure Dan was ever truly honest about his reasons for refusing to model.  I was disappointed at the time, but now I realize the Lord had other plans.  Modeling doesn't exactly have the kind of reputation to inspire confidence in a mother's heart and perhaps the Lord knew there would be temptations that Dan would not resist.

I just hope Jordan doesn't regret his decision somewhere down the road.

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