Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Drawing a blank.

For some reason, the past 4 days, I've drawn a blank.  I do that.  In fact, I'm a very different type of writer.  Most authors  will set certain amounts of work to be done each day.  They'll see to it that they write so many words, so many pages, or for so many hours every day.  Not me.  If I can't think of anything to say, I don't write.  That doesn't mean I'm being lazy, however.  Or undisciplined, which is what "real" authors would call it.  While I'm having down time, I'm thinking.  For example, book 2, Prompted by Love, is pretty much finished.  Editing touches, as always, but for the most part, finished.  Like my friend quotes, "An artist never finishes the work, but just abandons it."  True, but until it actually goes to print, I'll be tweaking.

When I'm not tweaking, I'm writing-in my mind.  That's what got me started in the first place.  The Color of Roses would not get out of my head until I woke up one day in May of 2009 and decided to put it on paper hoping that would help get it off my mind.  It worked.

Since I have sequels in mind for Prompted by Love, there's plenty to write about.  It's about six women, so I have more than enough material to put in more than one book.  I've already decided the sequel will be titled My River of Delights.  Maybe, maybe book 3 will be Keeping It Real.  One of the things that relaxes me and helps me go to sleep is to write in my mind. Maybe I shouldn't say that. My follower or two may think I'm bored with my own work.  No, I like my characters.

They also surprise me.  For example, when I was writing Prompted by Love, the character I had originally intended to be the antagonist (bad guy) in write speak, turned out to be a nice guy.  The one I had no intention of doing anything with other than be a supporting character gets a lot more ink than I originally intended.  I  had the same thing happen in The Color of Roses.  Characters seemed to have a mind of their own.  Many authors have said the same thing.  Weird, but true.

Many have asked for me to do a sequel to The Color of Roses and I'm not opposed to the idea, but as I've said before, I don't write to entertain.  I write to educate.  As of this moment, I don't have anything I want to say about that family that will share God's love and the need to see His way as best.  There's a wealth of material, but it just hasn't bubbled up in my pea brain, yet.  Summer's coming and school will be out.  Perhaps I can concentrate more on writing then.  I hope so.  I really do like it.  Since I got such a late start, I have lots of make up for.

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