Saturday, December 13, 2014


With my 71st birthday barreling down on me like a runaway freight train, I have to stop and take stock on occasion in regard to being relevant in this day and age.  I looked the word up in the dictionary, just to make sure I'm using it correctly.  As an aside, I do that a lot these days as a tutor.  Anyway, the word means "pertinent" or "having to do with the matter at hand."

Our life has revolved around "The Color of Roses" for almost a year, now.  So, is what I wrote relevant?  I think so and I'll explain that in a minute.  What got me thinking about relevancy in the first place was a conversation I was having with my first Florida friend, Marianne.

I was explaining to her that one of the people who are very big in the co-op where I have my book for sale (doing poorly) took it personally when she decided to have a party after the mall closed and only 4 of the 57 vendors showed an interest. Some of us in the co-op are disappointed in our sales and will be glad to call an end to the relationship.  I think trying to sell in the mall may be a bit obsolete and out of touch. No longer relevant.

In the first place, the "company" party may be relevant where people have worked together for years and know each other well.  It deepens the bond between workers and establishes an anticipated tradition.  The co-op opened October 1.  Hardly enough time to bond with 56 other people.  Then, too, in the months I've been there, I've met maybe a dozen and only a few times at that.  We all come and go on our own time, so there's really no opportunity to get acquainted, let alone make friends enough to want to attend a party.  With the metaphoric rise of social media and its convenience, many such social gatherings are becoming going by the wayside.  Losing relevancy.

Second, that particular mall isn't doing very well.  Some of the places are vacant.  Several stores have come and gone in the less than 20 years the mall has been open.  Therefore, are we relevant in expecting to sell our product in a mall, particularly that one?  Are malls becoming passe?  So many people are ordering on line and having purchases delivered to the house.  Quick, and convenient. (Except for this great grandmother's recent foray into cyber shopping.)  Very irrelevant there.

Finally, is my book relevant?  It's placed in the 1980's.  Does that make it obsolete?  I don't think so. It's been said that those who don't know history are bound to repeat its mistakes.  Worse, if we don't know what God's way is, how can we enjoy following it?  If we've not followed God's way, do we know how forgiving He is?  Those are the two things I intend to focus on in every book I write. God's way is best and if you've strayed, He's waiting for our return.

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