Friday, October 16, 2015

What's ahead?

This morning's conversation about a news blurb brought to mind the old hymn, "Am I a soldier of the cross, a follower of the Lamb?  And shall I fear to own His cause, or blush to speak His name?"  Verse two has run through my mind the most:  "Must I be carried to the skies On flowery beds of ease, While others fight to win the prize And sail through bloody seas?"

Apparently, the Obama administration is attempting to do something about "terrorism from the right."  Steve Doocy said that would include the religious right.  The other two he mentioned, I can't remember. "Constitutionalists" may have been one of the other two.

My friend said she thought I believed in a pre-tribulation Rapture.  I do.  But, that does NOT mean those who leave this world in the Rapture are going to escape suffering.  Can you imagine the Apostle Paul asking how I suffered while I was on earth and the best I could tell him was that I did not become a best-selling author instantly?  Down through history, people have suffered for the Name of Jesus Christ.  Am I to escape because I'm a law-abiding patriotic American?

That's not to say I look forward to being labeled a terrorist and the accompanying abuse, ridicule, and possible punishment.  I've often said I'm God's weakest and whiniest child.  I do not enjoy suffering.  Hang nails are my idea of major pain.  However, Jesus said not to fret about the future.  IF anything happens in America like it's happening in other places in the world, not to worry.  He will give me the words to say to bring glory to His Name.  That's all I ask.

With all that's going on in the world around us, I personally believe it won't be long now.  Who would have thought 30 years ago that America would turn on Israel?  The Bible says the nations that curse Israel will be cursed.  America's asking for it.

Who would have thought that telling others about the love of Jesus would be considered terrorism?  Apparently, it's coming.

If it comes, and I will be more surprised if it doesn't, I ask that the Lord keep me faithful.  Let me go out with a smile on my face and a song on my lips.  In Islamic countries, Muslims are turning to Jesus Christ in droves. Many are experiencing visions.  Research about those visions are leading them to Christ.

Down through the ages, the suffering church has always been the strongest church, although rarely the largest.  In the 1960's, the Congo was rife with violence, much of it against the church.  A missionary from there said the church was reduced in size by half, but oh, the strength and the faith of that smaller church!

On the other hand, Corrie ten Boom said that as soon as the Nazi boots invaded the Netherlands, the churches were full.  People tend to turn to the Lord in a crisis. Remember Congress on the Capitol steps singing, "God Bless America"? I guess those who are attending church for any reason other than truly worshipping the Lord are those who get scared off when trials and tribulations come.

For all that, I go back to what I've been witnessing lately.  God is working.  His plan is unfolding.  We are seeing more Christian movies produced.  Miracles are happening in the Sudan, in Togo, in parts of the world we don't even know about.  Satan may think he's winning, but he's wrong.

As for me, I want to feel privileged to be in this day and age.  God has a purpose for me and I want to fulfill it.  No matter what it costs me.  He's worth it.

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