Saturday, September 12, 2015

Curses! (cont.)

Yesterday, I wrote about how distressing it is to hear foul language and to see prurient pictures.  I no more than shut my computer off and in His still, small whisper, the Lord said, "What about the name calling you do?"  Ouch!  I hear you, Lord.

While Bob and I were running errands, we listened to Glen Beck spend a great deal of time apologizing to Sarah Palin for calling her a clown.  Like him, how many times have I popped off about someone I disagree with?  Am I cursing them?  I believe me Bible says yes. Calling someone a name, whether it's vulgar or mild (jerk, turkey, clown, idiot, joke, nutcase, creep, etc.) is saying I doubt their competency as a person. The Bible says we are to delight in people and yes, I have to admit, some are easier to find delightful than others.

But, I'm not in the shoes of those with whom I disagree.  I haven't gone through what they've endured. And I'm certainly not their judge. The Lord is.  And, He's mine as well.  Proverbs says where words are many, sin is not absent.  I need to heed those words.  James also talks of the tongue being a fire.  It so easily gets out of control.

So, why have I, in times past, called someone names?  Because I'm angry.  Frustrated.  I feel helpless.  I can honestly say I don't hate them.  I've moved past that hurdle.  I'm angry because I see my world turning it's back on my Lord and it frustrates me. That's what makes me in the wrong, not them.

Their behavior should grieve me, like it does the Lord, rather than getting angry about something over which I have no control. Trying to convince some people there's a better way can be hopeless and that makes me feel helpless. In the parable of the soils, some seed falls on hard soil and recently, I've come to the conclusion that the Lord wants me to minister to those whose hearts are hard.  Why would He do that?  BECAUSE HE LOVES THEM (AND ME) THAT MUCH.  He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance, even those who've fallen on hard soil and the birds carry the seed away.  The older I get, the more awesome God's love for us becomes.

Therefore, the fault lies with me and my negativity, not with them. I'm the angry one, the frustrated one, the helpless one.  That shouts loud and clear that I am also the distrusting one.  His Word tells us that whatever is not of faith is SIN.  Ouch again.  If I truly trust the Lord, if I truly believe that He is in control, then my emotions need to be in His control.  I need to take my anger, my negative emotions to Him and seek His Presence and His peace.  He'll handle those who think they have the world by the tail.  In His time, in His way.  

I was convicted and I have repented.  I need to turn my words, my thoughts, my motives, my perspectives, my attitudes over to the Lord, as well as my actions.  Next, I need to pray for those who think so differently than me. Just today, someone said she was so angry with the President.  In her words, he was a joke.  I didn't know her well enough to disagree with her, but I did say I believed it won't be long before Jesus returns and the President may well be a part of God's plan.

A journalist who's lived in Jerusalem for over 30 years said that Israel considers America God.  I groaned inwardly and said to myself, "We're done."  God says He will not share His glory with another.  America has been very protective of Israel for many years.  The time may soon be for Israel to call upon the Lord for protection.  I didn't have to say all that for my new friend.  When I mentioned the Lord's return, and that the President was God's choice, she said she'd never thought about it that way.  Hopefully, it took some of the pressure off.

I not only hinder the Spirit's work in the world by my name calling, I hinder His work in me.  Have you ever met Christians who are at perfect peace and then learned a little of their history, only to find out they're suffering terrible things?  Those kind of people humble me and I'm grateful for them.  They're an example I want to follow. I pray consistently that hearts will be changed, especially mine.  I do NOT want to be one of those Christians who unbelievers look  at and say if that's what a Christian is like, count me out.

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