Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Who knew fingernails can play such an important role?  I figured it out because, right now, mine are a mess.  An ugly mess, a painful mess, and perhaps even a dangerous mess.  Let me explain.

On Christmas Eve, my darling daughter-in-law decided to pamper me with my first manicure and pedicure.  Have to say I loved it.  Bob loved it as much as I did.  However, I have always had very weak nails that split, crack, or tear.  Besides that, I have an affliction of hang nails, which I cannot leave alone.  Nail polish remover weakens the nails still more, so I haven't even tried for years. Polish, for some reason will not stick to my nails.  One trip to the sink to wash dishes and it rolls off. If it's anything I hate, it's chipped nail polish.  I even mentioned why in my second book, Prompted by Love.

But, the nails looked so good and it felt so good, I thought I'd try to continue.  If I went only once a month, perhaps it wouldn't be so damaging.  And, if I picked the polish off, I wouldn't have to soak in the stuff my nails don't like.

The second trip to the manicurist was no problem, either.  Since I only had one hang nail in a whole month, I was sure I was finally on the right track to having pan free hands.  3 1/2 weeks later, I made another appointment.  She liked to have never gotten the polish off, meaning extra soaking.  The tips of my fingers have looked red and "pruny" ever since.  Told you the stuff was damaging.  I'm well hydrated and go through lots of hand lotion, so it was the acetate, acetone, whatever.

But the big problem came five days after my third manicure when my thumb nail split.  It wasn't just the polish that lifted off the nail, but layers of nail went with it.  Knowing my fingers were still aggravated by the remover, I decided it would be better to simply pick the polish off all the nails.  As much as I hate chipped polish, I wasn't about to have one bare nail and the polished.  Besides, if it happened to one nail, the others were bound to follow.  Might as well get it all off under my own control rather than have it accidentally ripped off when I bumped something.

Picking the polish off has it's dangers, too.  Every single nail lost layers about 1/4 inch below the quick.  The nails also cracked.  They're so paper thing and rough, they catch on anything-even cloth, and rip.  Naturally, that means below the quick and bleeding.  To avoid that, I keep them clipped them as short as I can, filed as carefully as I can, buff them frequently, and daily apply an oil the manicurist gave me.  The tips of the nails are so red and angry looking.  They don't feel very good, either.

Just try to pick up a piece of paper, a staple, a pencil, or anything without fingernails.  It's not just a matter of ugly.  It's also a matter of importance.  Try focusing on anything besides your nails when they're so liable to rip.  Bump the end of your already hurting fingers against something.  You'll get my drift.

My point to this endless drivel?  God knew what He was doing when He created us.  Even down to the silly little things on the ends of our fingers.  Who knew?

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