Thursday, October 22, 2015


My friend and I were discussing the state of the world the other day-again.  It's either that or moan about our weight gain.  We were discussing the Muslim terrorists.  It's disturbing to know they're out there and we don't know who they are, where they are, or when they'll strike.

Thankfully, letters from missionaries do far more than warn about the dangers of extremists-from any belief system.  In the Middle East, Muslims are turning to Jesus Christ in droves. My friend mentioned that in America, so many are turning away from the church and turning to Islam.  She was wondering why.

I may have found the answer in a biography of Brother Andrew.  Most of the boys' essays at school are based on biographies of missionaries.  Each year, I get to reread many of those biographies in order to be sure the boys are accurate in what they write.  Far, far above and beyond that, I am blessed and humbled by reading about the men and women who have suffered so much to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.

Brother Andrew is one of those biographies.  The man is amazing.  In his 80's, he climbs a mountain every night and throws Bibles across the border into a country where he probably is no longer welcome.  He started smuggling Bibles into communist countries in 1955.  He had no backing, no agency, he just wen, asking God to blind the eyes of the border guards to his literature and Bibles. Wherever he went, he would start his message by saying he was bringing greetings from fellow Christians in the Netherlands, the country of his birth.

Those words were always a comfort to the people hearing that there were believers in the free world who were praying for them and cared about them.  As communism fell, the smuggling was no longer necessary in some countries, but his ministry still grew exponentially.  Even though it's no longer necessary to smuggle Bible into some of those counties like he did 50 years ago, there are needy people who would do anything to get their hands on a Bible.  Each country he worked in eventually had tremendous changes, most for the best.  In fact, I firmly believe those droves of new Christians in the Middle East are the payoff for the Bibles he smuggled into those countries 15-20 years ago.  Unless you're plugged into missions, you may not realize how God is working in spite of what the media tells you about the horrors going on in the world.

Even the Middle East.  It was Brother Andrew's  words about Islam that got my attention this morning and is the reason for today's subject. "'There is a lot to admire in Islam,"' he says.  "'You have to pay attention to a religion with this kind of draw."' Part of its appeal,  he explains, is the close community support it offers. It claims to be the answer to economic and social problems.[He didn't say it was, he said it claims.] It emphasizes wholesome living, drug-free, alcohol-free, prayer centered communities that hold up the father as the responsible head of that family. 

Those are the very standards America upheld until a few decades ago.  When we were an agrarian society, families had no choice but to work together.  Donald Trump's children say that's one reason they're close to their dad.  For decades, men have been ignored, challenged, mocked, ridiculed, and especially in the black community, have just plain checked out.  Just this morning there was an ad, suggesting men be good fathers. How I praise God for that ad!

We're also a mobile society today.  Grandma often lives hundreds, maybe thousands of miles away.  True, we have social media that makes connections possible anytime, anywhere, but it's not the same.  Grandma can't see children's behavior and warn them about the danger they're in. Psychologists are now saying social media is causing all sorts of difficulties.  Even my granddaughter complained that you can't get that close connection in social media like you can face to face.  When I was growing up, lawsuits were non-existent. In fact, if a kid did something wrong, the neighbor who saw it was thanked for correcting the matter post haste. America is paying for it's departure from close community support in ways it never dreamed.

Economically, my high school teachers often talked about the rise and fall of communism being directly related to economics.  As long as America was sound economically, communism couldn't really get a strong following. And it's strongest following occurred during the 1930's-the Depression. Maybe that's why Islam has such a strong following today.  People are hurting financially and looking for answers.  I'm not saying Islam has it, but they claim it and some people don't dig too deep.

The insistence of taking pleasure in things that are detrimental to our health is bound to catch up with us one of these days.  I would venture to guess that many more people die from alcohol related accidents or drug overdoses than we're losing men and women in our armed forces.  If drugs are such a wonderful pleasure, why are our suicide rate so high among teenagers? If indiscriminate sex is so much fun, why do 15 year olds have to get drunk to "enjoy" it?

The lack of prayer indicates a lack of belief in a power greater than self.  America loves to tout "I can do anything I want so long as I believe in myself."  Really?  If that were the case, I doubt I'd have allowed our condo to be destroyed in Hurricane Frances.  The engine wouldn't have blown one week after we had it rebuilt and the day after I had finally paid off the VISA bill.  We'd have a lot more doctors, lawyers, movie stars and rock stars if all that was required was to work hard and believe in ourselves.  I'd be a best-selling author by now!  Not every dream comes true, so why put all my faith in me and my dreams?  There is a Higher Power.  His Name is God, the I AM, Jesus Christ, Creator, Sustainer, Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, Coming King, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, Emmanuel, Lover of my soul.  You get my drift.

Finally, and it's a biggie.  Fathers are considered the responsible head of the family.  Kids in America learn early that they have to fend for themselves.  Some manage.  Most don't. Instead, they turn to their peers, to drugs, to big names who have more problems than the kids do.

If Islam is so great, why be upset that it's growing?  Brother Andrew tells people he's not against anything. He's for Jesus Christ.  American Christians and churches could learn a lot from him.  Opposing Islam is not working.  We need to become a missionary nation like we were right after WWII.  We were the greatest nation in the world.  Why?  Because we were telling the world about Jesus Christ.  His love for us is the greatest message in the world, bar none.  Jesus told us to love our enemies. The missionary letters I read from persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ in other nations all say they don't hate their persecutors, they love them and forgive them.  Maybe it's time we stopped patting ourselves on the back and start taking some lessons from those who are succeeding where we are failing.

Having said all that, I am NOT promoting Islam.  Even if it were a wonderful as it claims in just those 4 areas, Jesus said He was the way, the truth, and the life.  NO ONE comes to the Father, EXCEPT by Him. Therein lies the difference between all religions and true Christianity.  The life here on earth may be ideal, but what about eternity?

It is disappointing that Muslims who are not extremists are not doing anything to stop the takeover of their religion.  I would imagine it's fear.  Just like it's fear when someone is convinced they need to follow the dictates of a denomination or spiritual leader instead of the Lord. Jesus said to love our enemies.  The Bible says perfect love casts out fear. I preach because I love.  

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