Friday, October 2, 2015

Off the rails

While the rest of the country is reeling in shock over yet another mass shooting, the President is gleefully politicizing his desire for gun control.  I'm not exaggerating.  The man was actually smiling as he spoke.  How sad.  And hypocritical.  Both Dana Perino and Glen Beck remarked that more were killed in Chicago last month, although by different shooters at different times, but tragically, many more people.  Not a word said about that.  Doesn't fit the agenda.

It got me to thinking.  When the President was an elected official in Illinois, he voted for the killing of babies who survived termination attempts.  How is that any different or humane than what that tortured soul did in Oregon yesterday?  He ended the lives of several supposedly because they were Christians.  A terminated pregnancy is life ended at the convenience of the mother and the profit of the abortionist.

Hilary Clinton said she couldn't change hearts and she's right.  She can't.  But, God can and He wants to.  So much has gone off the rails in this country since we've become too civilized and too intelligent for belief in God.  Take the shootings as an example.  I have repeatedly remarked that when I was in school, boys had rifles on racks in the back windows of their pick ups.  Our biology teacher was the sponsor of the high school NRA.  He was very strict.  Any member who pointed a gun, loaded or otherwise, at another person was automatically kicked out of the NRA and  barred from ever returning, at least in the high school setting.

When I was in high school, there were many girls who got pregnant and then married before the baby came. Then comes Roe vs. Wade and the terminations were at some point over a million a year.  Women my age are the better for having those children.  Now, those children are companions and assistance to the mothers who chose to give them birth.  Even better, those women have no regrets over the choice they made that cannot be undone.

God created the woman's body to carry the infant until it could grow on it's own.  None of us escaped the fetal stage or just hatched.  We too, started as a single cell and went through the entire process, just like babies do today.

So, how did America go off the rails?  It's easy to see when we talk about termination vs. life, isn't it?  Is it as easy to see in the gun control issue?  Perhaps not.  I grew up in a culture of guns.  Dad hunted, my brothers hunted, my husband hunted, and both my sons are hunters.  I trust them all with guns.  I do not trust those politicians who wish to take them away from responsible people.  Why?  It won't help.  We are so far off the rails when it comes to respecting life, taking guns away from everyone will not change a thing.  More people are killed by drunk and drugged drivers than guns.  Shall we all go back to walking or riding bikes to stop vehicular homicides?  Shall we take drugs off the market because some choose to abuse them and commit suicide?  Personally, I wouldn't care if alcohol were taken off the market, but then I don't drink.  Those who do would find some other way to medicate their pain.

Therein lies the problem.  It's not a matter of the method, not the instrument.  No matter what method or instrument is removed, the tortured soul will find some way to kill himself or others.  Why?  There's no understanding of a loving God who longs to give them a better way.

What, then, do we do?  Returning to God would be the best possible start.  As a high school student, I'm sure the majority of the students my age attended church faithfully.  They learned to respect authority and life. They had moral barriers that controlled those emotions that threaten to get out of hand for all of us on occasion. Even those girls who got pregnant before they married had moral barriers that enabled them to give life to the child in their womb.  Yes, illegal abortions were around in those days.  They've been around for centuries, but weren't done or even promoted.  It was unthinkable to a woman who respected life.

By now, pro-abortion people are screaming that women will resort to the back alleys and death.  If their hearts are not changed, if there is no desire to hear from a loving God, no respect for life, I agree that's a strong possibility.  The point I'm trying to make is that taking the life of another is never a good answer for anyone, regardless of the method.    

Therefore, respecting the Giver of Life is the way to start cleaning up this mess we've created for ourselves. Parents have all at one time or another, had a child come to them and request we fix something they broke. The child tried to hard to fix it on their own, to no avail. Finally, in desperation, grubby little hands and tear-stained little faces would timidly approach Mommy or Daddy with the broken toy and the request to "Fix it."
Perhaps it's time we come before our heavenly Father with tear stained faces and request He fix it.  It's the only way it can happen.

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