Saturday, September 13, 2014

Good day, Bad day

Why is it when I'm having a fantastic day, a good friend is having it rough?  Wanda and I used to do that.  She'd call moaning, groaning and complaining about her husband.  Bob and I would be getting along just fine.  Then, we'd have an argument, but Wanda and David had reconciled.  Come to think of it, I guess we couldn't be much help to each other if we were both down at the same time.  Maybe that's the way God works it.

Just read Marianne's blog.  It's a tough time for her right now and I'm really sorry.  She's a good friend to have.  In fact, she was my first friend in the state of Florida.  We met 19 years ago next month.

I got an email from a dear friend who lives in Albuquerque.  Our friendship goes beyond us.  Our mothers were friends.  She's been battling cancer and what a valiant warrior she's been.  The cancer is still hanging on.  The doctor's gave her two years and she's surpassed that, but some of the tumors are growing again.  Then, too, her husband just had a mild stroke, and her daughter had to have a foot amputated.  See what I mean?  Dear friends are having a tough time and while I want to fix it, I can't.

I can pray and I do, but Larry Crabb, among many others have come to realize -and teach me - that our God is not manipulated.  He may choose to heal.  He may not, but He is still God and worthy of our worship.

And, worship I did this morning.  While my life seems to be a bit crazy at the moment, my time with the Lord is beyond description.  A friend (Connie) invited me to a pancake breakfast this morning.  In order to get to her house, I had to go west before going south to Vero.  It was raining and I saw the most vibrant rainbow I've seen in a very long time.  Apparently, as the sun was coming up, the clouds were moving west and the rainbow got the full exposure of the sun between the clouds that were scattered behind me.  I sang (thankfully, I was alone) all the way to Vero.

I thought I'd check my emails before I left and the first one I came across was from the publisher, offering a very good deal to be shown at the Frankfurt, Germany, book fair.  Just last week, I told the marketing coach that I'd love to take advantage of what I thought was a good offer, but couldn't.  Lo and behold, they cut that price in half!  I jumped on it.  The Frankfurt book fair is the largest in the world.  Since I don't have 900 friends (working on it through Face Book and Linked In) I have hopes that book sellers around the world will take an interest in my book and make purchases.

My husband had minor surgery on his hand yesterday and even though so many little things kept going wrong, I was able to take care of the dog, check my emails, and retrieve my Moody Bible Institute class ring (1991) from the floor where I'd dropped it.  So far, the glass lid I broke last night has not shown up in the dog's foot, for which I'm extremely grateful. Bob's been resting about all day.

The pancake breakfast was a lot of fun.  I got to meet several lovely people, found out about a new branch library where I'll drop a copy of my book off next week.  On the way home, I needed to look for bandages for my husband's hand.  Walgreen's and the health care supply store didn't have what he wanted so I headed for one of those tiny, hole-in-the-wall drug stores that usually have everything the box stores don't.  I know a husband and wife team that are the pharmacist's there, so I took my book into show them.  Before I could get in the door, the woman coming out noticed my book in my hand and literally came to a screeching halt.  Of course she had to have one, so I made a sale before I got in the door.  (Was it like this for you, John Grisham?)  My friends weren't there today, and neither were the bandages I wanted, but it wasn't a total loss.

I also stopped at the bank to deposit checks I'd received for sale of other books and the manager took a picture of the book, said his wife would get it on line and to come back.  There's a teller in that branch who is constantly reading.  The mail had another check to be deposited come Monday.

All because of my dear friend Connie.  She's very social and has the gift of hospitality.  I'm neither, but if I hang onto her coattails, I may learn.  She promotes my book wherever she goes and has sold several.  Bless her, Lord!  Had she not extended the invitation yesterday, I'd have stayed home and cleaned (Maybe).  It wouldn't have been nearly as wonderful as today has been.  I would have missed the rainbow.  I would have missed meeting such wonderful people.  I'd have missed a good breakfast. And, I wouldn't have had a good excuse to let the dust lie:)  Thanks, Connie, you're a sweetheart!

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