Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Panic Attack!

Hoo, boy.  The books have arrived.  12 boxes of the, 25 per box.  About 15 or 20 are promised.  And, that's not all.  I'll have to sell 855 just to break even (so i can try it again with my second book).  I've been on pins and needles for weeks, waiting for them to come when it suddenly dawned on me that the number of friends I have who've asked for a book number less than 50!  When I realized how many I have to sell and how few are promised, that's when the panic hit.

Supposedly, John Grisham bought 1,000 copies of his first book and sold them out of the back of his car, so his humble beginnings are an encouragement.  I do not expect to become a best selling author, but it is encouraging to realize even best sellers have to start somewhere.

Now, if I were a little more computer savvy, I'd include a picture of the book cover.  I admit, the graphic artist did a fabulous job.  Several have commented on it, saying it should sell a lot of books.  Your lips to God's ears.

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