Friday, August 28, 2015


Anyone else have a love-hate relationship with medicine?  I was very happy to hear my neurologist say I take very little medicine for someone my age (one prescription).  Well, now, it's two. Something had to be done.  I have a spinal cord injury with an unknown cause.  It causes tics.  They're never painful, but they are annoying and exhausting.

Several years ago, the doctor suggested Lyrica.  His one side-affect warning was that it causes weight gain.  Munchies.  Yuck.  I need that like I need another medicine.  Needless to say, I declined.  His response to my refusal is that as long as I wasn't hurting myself (falling, etc.) he was fine with it.

About a month ago, the tics began to increase dramatically.  Some of the causes are known, such as caffeine.  Good bye good tasting coffee and good bye chocolate.  Sigh.  Mutter.  It got to the point where there were hundreds every day and they were intense.  My husband said I was going to break my neck if they didn't let up soon.

Last weekend, I'd had enough.  We went to visit our son's family and I latched on to the Lyrica samples that my daughter-in-law suggested I try.  I asked the doctor before I went and he merely indicated they might make them better-or worse.  Desperate, I tried it the first night we were there and the tics seemed to subside in frequency and intensity, but did not stop altogether.

Saturday morning, I was having more tics than I wanted and again, in desperation, I took one in the morning-and promptly fell asleep for 5 1/2 hours!  Some guest I was.  Said I'd never take 2 in one day again.  But, I did.  Monday, the drive back home was a very long 3 hours.  It's almost all interstate and 70 mph.  When I drive, I run between 70 and 75.  It takes 3 hours.  When Bob drives, he runs between 75-80.  It took 3 hours.  Go figure.

As soon as we could unpack, feed the dog, get groceries, etc., I took another Lyrica.  Only slept 3 hours this time.  Again, I was desperate to sooth those jangled nerves that had become Mexican jumping beans.

Each day since, the tics seems to abate a little more and I'm grateful.  Yesterday, however, I felt a little lightheaded and was concerned that the side-affects were going to be worse than the tics and another medicine would not work.

But, this morning, I wakened bright eyed and busy tailed, as the saying goes.  In fact, last night, I called a friend to see if she wanted to go to the new movie with me.  War Room.  (I dearly love sassy black women and the trailer shows one is starring in it.)  She was more than happy to take Bob's place.  Only trouble is, it's not playing yet in local theaters.  She doesn't drive and I'd have to drive more than 30 miles.  I cancelled because of the wooziness, only to wake up this morning ready to conquer the world.

So, long story short, yes I hate taking medicine of any kind.  I'll take vitamins till they're coming out my ears.  They're preventive.  Medicine only deals with the symptoms, not the cause.  They can be like dominoes.  It helps one part of the body, but attacks another, meaning a medicine to assist the attacked, and so on and so on ad infinitum.

I'm truly grateful we live in a day and age when medicine is helpful.  So many diseases are now eradicated or controlled that caused early deaths in years gone by.  So is my hate side of the relationship pride-or worry about side affects?  Who knows?  I've taken several medicines over the past 15 years and have been tested from top to bottom to attempt to control the tics and maybe find a way to control them.  Each medicine has eventually failed.  The tics ended up being worse on the medicine than off.  So, I'd quit. I sincerely hope the Lyrica is effective and will enable me to lead a more normal life.

But, oh, those munchies! They hit with a vengeance yesterday.  Usually, after I eat the pantry and the refrigerator, I waken the next morning feeling sluggish and guilty.  This morning?  Not the case. Does that mean the only way to avoid the light-headedness is to eat myself silly?  Please, Lord, no. For once in my life, I would like to lose weight (which I have) and keep it off (which I haven't). Stay tuned.

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