Saturday, December 6, 2014

Making friends

Today was my day to walk around the co-op where I have a station, attempting to sell my book.  It's been an expensive lesson.  I need to sell 20 books a month just to break even.  So far, I've sold about 12, with 3 weeks left in the 12 week cycle.  Needless to say, it's been a royal pain, physically and financially.

However, there are good things that happen that make it all worth while.  Today, I literally had my purse on my arm, preparing to walk out the door when I noticed a very attractive woman checking out my table.  I asked her if she were interested in books.  Her answer was yes.

I asked what kind of books and she mentioned politics.  I agreed with her but my book isn't really about politics.  Then she mentioned she also was interested in learning anything about American culture.  (She's from Germany)  We began to bond over her German heritage because I lived in Germany for more than 2 years.  She was such a sweet lady, but she's faced some hardships here in our country.  I apologized for the rudeness of the Americans she's met.  I know what it's like to face rudeness from people who disagree with me.  Or accuse me of something I haven't done.  I cannot be accountable for something done in America 150 years ago.  I'm old, but not that old.  

Long story short, she bought the book, I autographed it, and as she left, she said, "I've made a friend!" Then, she hugged me and kissed me before departing.  Her lips to Your ears, Lord.  I love making friends.

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