Friday, October 24, 2014

Praise the Lord

I was stunned when the phone rang this morning at 8:33 and heard the doctor's voice on the other end of the line.  Bob's heart cath took less than 30 minutes to complete (half the anticipated time) and everything is fine!  So fine in fact, he couldn't find the 60% blockage the doctor saw several years ago!

Now, the hard part begins.  Keeping him quiet until the wound heals enough to keep him from bleeding to death.  Try not using the hand you use for everything for 48 hours.  Now, try to get your husband to do that.  You get my drift, I'm sure.

We still have to determine what's causing the fatigue and shortness of breath.  One friend said she hoped it turned out to be something simple like a vitamin deficiency.  An email from my cousin said her husband's problem stemmed from anemia.  The nurse mentioned anemia.  That may be the answer.  One thing is clear, "God is keeping him here for something," said my dear friend, Katherine.

When things fall together like that, I cannot help but believe God is in control.  And, He's so worthy of praise.  Our pastor said when his wife's tumor disappeared, he remembered verses in Malachi warning us against robbing God financially.  He said, "I'll not rob you of praise, either."

My first response to the doctor's call was "Praise the Lord!"  I would have said it aloud, except for the fatigue and shortness of breath, for which I now had no explanation.  Shame on me for not saying it and trusting God to take care of the rest.  The Apostle Paul claimed to be the chief of sinners.  Well, I'm the weakest and whiniest.

Truly, our God is awesome.  To think that he not only relieved us of the concern about Bob's heart, he sent 3 messages to remind me that He knows the answer and will take care of it.  Praising God for the wonderful news is such a simple thing.  I hope He ascribes to "Better late than never."


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