Saturday, June 28, 2014

Life ends when the learning stops.  Don't know if anyone else ever said that, but it's my way of life.  At the age of 70, I'm establishing a blog, joining Facebook (again), Pinterest, Google, and maybe even Twitter.

It's not been an easy road.  A couple of years ago my daughter-in-law tried to drag me into the 21st century by insisting I join Facebook, but I was suffering the beginnings of hardening of the attitudes.  This morning, it dawned on me that the attitude of gratitude and acceptance of challenges gets a lot more accomplished than whining that I don't know how.  Didn't want to be bothered is more honest.

Soooo, great-grandma has gotten out of her recliner, put on her glasses, and turned on the computer.  I'm a half century behind everyone else, and I'll never catch up, but the effort will be beneficial.  Who wants to be around crabby old lady who talks of nothing but the good old days?  I may be a moss backed turtle, but the grass hasn't grown under my feet. 

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