Traditional publishers, on the other hand, are the ones who decide if your book is worthy of their time, money, and effort. One author who's done the traditional publishers said she just got tired of the rat race. I'm too old to be in any kind of race, rats or otherwise.
Self-publishing has its advantages, let me hasten to add. The author controls the content. Traditional publishers have too much say in what goes into a book. For me, controlling the content was vital. It's very distressing to see Christian authors who include graphic sex in their books. That's not me. I don't believe God is honored by doing that.
I'm still going with a self publishing company. However, this time, I had to submit my work and they had to approve it. That makes me feel more like I'm actually an author. It takes a while to believe the dream has come true and it's done so because others have said it, not because I've forced the issue. Proverbs say to let the lips of another praise you, not your own. I try to live by that.
In college, my fellow students nominated me and I was chosen to be included in "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges," 1991 edition. I told one student who voted for me I didn't know whether to kiss him or slap him. It was such a shock and such an honor to be so highly respected among men and women the age of my children.
To have my work chosen is like that. I am shocked and honored. Bob, bless his heart, said he never had any doubt. Not only does he endure my hours of burying my nose in my laptop, but he endures the frustrations, the meltdowns, and the expense, as well as the highs that come with the good news.

It's not been an easy road. I'm a salmon swimming against the current in more ways than one. So many people have been destroyed by believing there's nothing wrong with a sexually active lifestyle. It's the current PC. There are those in the church who've not lived that lifestyle and cannot grasp the pain that those who have are suffering. They just don't get it. Then, there are those who have lived a sexually active lifestyle in spite of what they've been taught. They may feel condemned by what I write, but if so, they are causing themselves even more unnecessary pain. My objective is to show that God's way is best and if God's way has not been followed, there can be redemption. My son said I was limiting my audience by my message and I am, but this is the message I believe God has given me and I will run with it as long as He provides the message.
So, stay tuned. Prompted by Love updates will be posted as new information becomes available. Thanks for your support.
Congratulations! Keep on keeping on, and God will bless you for you.