Tuesday, January 5, 2016

No complaints

Right now, I'm reading The Hiding Place.  It's so humbling to read about people who are able to thank the Lord for everything, as we're commanded to do in Scripture.  Fleas.  Betsy ten Boom, if you haven't read the book thanked the Lord for fleas, much to the consternation of her sister, Corrie. Then they learned the guards didn't come near their barracks because of the fleas.  Betsy and Corrie were able to conduct nightly Bible studies without punishment.

It's very difficult to thank Him for everything and it's not easy to wait around for Him to reveal His plan.  At least, that's the way I've found it. I've often found myself wondering what the Lord is up to.
Especially now, when we are in the beginning of an election year.  What is God's plan for America?

It's a nail biter for me.  There are several good candidates and I'm still not sure who I'll vote for.  That makes me grateful our primary is not till March.  Maybe by then, some will drop out and make the choice easier.

According to the news I'm not the only one who's amazed to hear Trump say the outrageous things he does with impunity. I firmly believe he's in first place in the polls for more than the reason that he's saying what a lot of people are feeling.  Trouble is, it's never a good idea to vote your feelings.  We need to vote our logic.  The other reason I believe he's still number one is that the rest of the field is divided among so many.  Once the field narrows, will he still be number one?  If that's God's plan.

Now, on the Democrat side, Hillary's launched her strongest weapon-former President Bill Clinton. He's another one who said and did many things with impunity.  Since the Clinton's had a co-Presidency, is that the plan for 2016?  Will people fall for it? Will they hope that if they vote for Hillary, her husband will have 16 years as President, instead of 8, like the law says?  Again, if it's God's plan.  I need to say here that I'm praying neither scenario is God's plan.

Many Christians are sensing now is the time for America's downfall.  It could be.  Or not. It's God's plan and He hasn't let me in on it. One thing I am grateful for if America is going down while I'm still here is that God has promised to give me the words to say.  He has promised never to leave us.  He is my refuge, my strength, my joy.  It's every reason to be grateful and no reason to complain.  At least it's not fleas.

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