Friday, January 15, 2016

I know what he's talking about

Here we go again.  I rarely agree with the pundits and talking heads about the debate.  People thought Ted Cruz was way off base saying New York values are different than the rest of the country.  Of course they are.  I lived 30 miles outside the city for two years and yes, they're different.  George Carlin said that stupid elected officials come from the people who elect them.  I give you Mayor DeBlasio, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Anthony Weiner, and Governor Cuomo who said certain religious and political bents were not welcome in New York.  New Yorkers are brash, arrogant and elitist.

Yes, they pulled together and rebuilt that city after 9/11, but it was wrong of Trump to use that tragedy for political gain.  I imagine it took every ounce of their pride to pull off that monumental feat.  As you well know, I've lived in a lot of places and every place has it's own distinct culture. As a matter of fact, there have been times when even upstate New York has called to make New York City a state because they overwhelm the political process and the conservative upstate people cannot be heard over New York City.

 Every place I've ever been, including New York City, I've not understood the culture and I've paid dearly for it.  In New York City, I didn't know to step off a crowded subway (instead of just trying to make a path through the crowd) and back on when everyone else got off.  I got pushed onto the platform, along with New Yorkers who knew to step off and back on.  In Chicago, I didn't know that banks did not accept money wires. It was supposed to go through check cashing places.

So, yes, Ted Cruz is right, but New York City got it's feelings hurt and it may come back to haunt him.  Isn't it funny how they automatically took it in a negative way?  If they're so much better than the rest of the country, why didn't they take it as a compliment?  I once said to a woman that she had a lot of paintings on her walls.  She said, "Thank you."  I didn't say they were good.  I was merely commenting they were there, but she assumed it was a compliment.  Why did they automatically jump to the negative? Yes, he meant it negatively.  New Yorkers are different.  They're not conservative, as he pointed out. So, get over yourselves.  Own it. If New York's liberal progressive politics are so wonderful, why not proudly say so? If the media keeps harping on it, it may hurt Cruz, but it didn't seem to hurt him much last night in South Carolina.

Every candidate had great moments last night.  Every one of them.  The only thing I don't like is how the moderators like to stir up a fight and how Trump rudely talks over everyone.  I'm sure many didn't hear one of Cruz's good lines because Trump was mouthing off when it wasn't his turn.  If you missed it, Cruz told Trump he could build the wall when Trump said if he loses he'll go back to building homes and buildings.  No one's allowed to have an opinion but Trump.  He showed a typical New York attitude, and he's applauded for it, but is offended that his rude arrogance is not appreciated.

 Maria Bartiromo showed her blue Democrat bias on two occasions and not just from her all blue attire.  Her question about gun control showed all watching how she felt about guns. Then, she asked about entitlements, mentioning Social Security.  Social Security is NOT NOT NOT  an entitlement. It's enforced savings that the government regularly robs and then moans there's not enough there. She's an annoying New York liberal progressive.  FBN, and FNC are the only networks that are equal opportunity employers.  I would appreciate that if the liberal progressives guests and employees made sense when they talk, instead of talking emotion over everyone who's speaking logically.

Now to the "birther" issue.  Trump says Democrats will sue if Ted Cruz is chosen.  Really?  Let's talk for a minute about Obama, who was born in a hospital built two years after his birth when Hawaii was not a state until four years after he was born.  Bring it Democrats.

Listening to the news this morning, I am more certain than ever those New York media people are for Trump. The rest of the country doesn't count.  That's the arrogance I'm talking.about.

In Trump's defense, he did say something during an interview that I have long noticed, but no one except him (and me) is talking about.  I don't count because I don't have a large enough audience. He's noticed that the refugees are mostly strong, healthy young men.  You don't see women, children, and the elderly in those mobs. You see smiling faces, not faces of suffering.  You see cell phones. I'm a rich American, by world standards, and I cannot afford the latest technology. If they're so poor, how can they?

I have to say I'm grateful Rand Paul refused to come.  New York's not the only place that has arrogant people.  Yes, he has his loyal followers, but I've said before he can't get along with anyone in Congress.  How can he lead if no one will follow?  He believes his message can't be heard because he wasn't on the prime time debate.  Maybe he needs to realize his message has been heard and is not popular enough to keep him on the prime time stage.

Carly Fiorina, on the other hand, has twice been on the undercard, won both times, and moved up.
Hello, Rand Paul.  Are you listening?  Ms. Fiorina won again last night.  In fact, I would put her second, after Ted Cruz, in spite of the fact she wasn't in the prime time debate.  She makes more sense than most of the candidates and yet, she too, has difficulty getting her common sense appreciated by those people being polled.  Everyone I talk to, men and women alike think she's great, but the polls don't reflect that.  Why?

Even Jeb Bush had a good night.  I still disagree strongly with his views on Common Core and hope Lindsey Graham's endorsement does not have as positive an effect as the superstitious seem to think. When Maria Bartiromo dissed Social Security as an entitlement, I wish Mick Huckabee would have been on that stage.  He'd have called her on it.

Rush Limbaugh has often said that polls are meaningless up until 2 days before the election.  From the statistics shown, he seems to be right.  Carly Fiorina mentioned them last night, and others did the same.  At one time Newt Gingrich was leading in the polls and came in something like 5th.  So who's being asked?

The pundits and the polls have forgotten one very important thing.  God chooses our leaders for His glory and purpose.  My role is to pray and pray a lot before I vote.  He does the rest.

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