Friday, January 29, 2016

Three, not two

Sometimes people say we need a third political party.  I believe we have the third - the media. There's been many times the media has quoted a politician and it caused me to be concerned, but when the politician was doing the speaking, I noticed the media had taken it out of context.  I've often said when the media talks about a conservative politician, I don't like what I'm hearing, but when the politician speaks, I'm impressed.

The big problem is the media is biased toward the Democrats and makes it two against one, not three distinct parties.  It's amazing how much the media will twist something and people will not only accept it, but run with it. Disturbing.  If they get caught in their fabrications, the apology is either non-existent or done is a way few to none learn about it.

I don't watch much news as a result, especially now that this is an election year.  The hoopla surrounding the election gets out of hand, but I have been watching the Republican debates and keeping a list, ranking them in the order of those I thought did best.  Last night's debates, while extremely rough on Ted Cruz had even more substance than previous debates.  Even Rand Paul stopped acting like a petulant child and John Kasich made sense.  The media is giving Donald Trump's absence all the credit and they may be right.

Having said all that, it is good for me to remember that God is Sovereign.  He chooses our leaders for His glory and our good. No matter who is chosen, God is in control. That's so helpful when I get annoyed with the media and their carefully chosen words designed to manipulate.

The first time I remember it being done was way back.  Hugh Downs compared a Republican to the Ayatollah. Those words have power and the media  That's how they turn people away from the truth and into puppets to be manipulated and ridiculed for being so stupid.

Did anyone else notice the moderators of the undercard getting slightly snarky about the fact that several comments on that stage were saying the exact same thing I'm saying here? Later, Chris Wallace and Megan Kelly were both sanctimonious last night-the most annoying part of the debate. Her big smile and the way she treated Ted Cruz on one occasion made me think she was gloating that she took down the Donald with one question and if Ted Cruz disagreed with her, he could be next. However, in all honesty, her interview with him after the debate seemed friendly, although she was still trying to prove she was right and he was wrong.  All three moderators asked good questions, but the phrasing can subtly twist the truth and people buy it.

Thankfully, when I get annoyed, that Still Small Voice reminds me that it's all part of God's plan. Those who believe God's Word know the time is coming when Iran will have a coalition of countries that will attack Israel and the United States will be nowhere to be found.  It's not hard to see how that could happen, given the political climate in this country right now.

Like David Jeremiah, I never dreamed some of these things would happen. Again. I am so grateful that God in His loving watchcare over me has protected me not only from this world I have to live in, but from agreeing with the world and it's shocking behavior.  Bottom line? As a follower of Jesus Christ, my job is to pray and to proclaim the Good News. The time grows short and there is much to do.  I have friends, family, neighbors, strangers in my life that need to know about Jesus and His love for them.

Focusing on politics, the media, or anything else except Jesus Christ is dangerous for the Christian. It makes us bitter. It hampers our relationship with Him and makes us ineffective witnesses to His truth and His love. It's our responsibility to be informed and aware, but not focused on world events.  We must focus on Him.

One of the boys at school is just beginning Through Gates of Splendor and I'm again reminded of how these men turned the world upside down by loving the Lord and their enemies so much they were willing to die for the sake of the Gospel.  Not only were they willing, but they did die. Instead of sitting around whining about the unfairness of the media or criticizing our politicians, I want to follow their example and turn my eyes on Jesus.   

Monday, January 25, 2016

What if?

One of my favorite Christmas movies happens to be "It's a Wonderful Life."  George goes through all sorts of difficulties and eventually things get so bad, he wants to end his life.  I'm sure you know God sends an angel to change George's mind and save his life.

On occasion, I've wondered what if I were never born?  That thought came to mind again tonight when I saw a Facebook post stating that the man believed in abortion.  I wonder if it's ever crossed his mind about what his mother would have chosen, had she the opportunity he's promoting to other mothers? What would the world have missed if he had never been born?

One of the most popular arguments for abortion is it's a woman's right to choose.  What about the baby's choice?  Or the father's?  The grandparents?

It's also popular to say it's a woman's body.  Correction. If that baby is part of the mother's body, then I have 6 feet, 6 inches of my body living in Tulsa and another 6 feet living in Jacksonville, while I'm in southern Florida!  Ain't happening.

True, the baby uses the mother's body for several months, developing to a place where he or she can live in the world.  The expression, "a bun in the oven" is more appropriate than some people may think.

I'm not in any  way belittling the difficulties of rearing a child alone-which is what happens so often in an unplanned pregnancy.  The choice is a difficult one.  There are many similarities between placing a child for adoption and choosing to terminate.  There is one HUGE difference.  One way chooses life and one death.

It's always hard to sit by and say nothing when someone who doesn't have to make such a horrendous decision blithely tells someone else to do it.  The talker doesn't have to face the consequences.  The mother does. Undoubtedly, the talker never considers the fact that he, his children, his grandchildren were given the opportunity to live.  Maybe it would be a good idea to give every baby that opportunity.

George's wonderful life is fiction, but it serves a good purpose,  It's a great reminder that all of us have purpose and meaning in our life and the world is diminished when a child is denied that chance to fulfill that purpose.  CHOOSE LIFE

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Let it snow

The blizzard in the North East has brought back many memories.  Like the time in my senior year of high school that the photographer was extremely slow in bringing our pictures. Several of us took the bus to Carnegie to get our pictures.  And got stranded.  We stood for hours, waiting for the bus to take us back home, but the buses had stopped running.  Fortunately, the train was still running.  We were able to get home, but by the time I approached the house, my feet were numb.
Sneakers in snow is not a good choice.

I remember the big snowstorm in Denver on my son's birthday.  The sun was coming up when I walked to a corner store to get a cake mix for the birthday party.  Snow on the mountains west of the city looked like pink glass in that early morning sunshine.  Breathtaking.

I remember, too, the day I had to walk to work in two feet of snow.  I was exhausted and light headed from my efforts by the time I arrived at the store, so I slipped in the back door-not allowed-and got caught by the store manager.  He had no sympathy for me at all.

Big snow storms, for the most part, have been absent from our experience because we haven't lived in cold climates.  We had a lovely snow in Tennessee.  We took a memorable walk through the woods, but the snow was gone the next day.

There was the 22" in Chicago that was just a heavy, wet snow that made it extremely difficult to drive.  Cars would run out of gas on the Eisenhower.  The driver would get out of the car and walk away.  Cars approaching had no idea if the car was stopped or waiting on traffic to move in front of them.  When we had to stop, Bob would jump out and free the windshield wipers of snow so heavy they couldn't keep the windows clean.  Forget the rear window, or even the side windows.  It was like driving in a cave.  When I figured out the stopped car in front of me was empty, it became a matter of finding a way to change lanes without getting clobbered or cussed.  Move a few car lengths and stop again.  I think it took about 4 or 5 hours to drive less than 25 miles that night.

In Steubenville, there was a blizzard on Halloween.  Drifts were so high, the landlord's snow plow couldn't handle the snow.  He and Bob shoveled it down until the plow could move it.  Even worse, there were ice storms once a week for 6 weeks.  My adrenaline still kicks in when I think of how we did donuts in the KFC parking lot filled with other cars and ended up less than an inch from broadsiding another car.

But, the snow that makes me laugh when I think of it is the time Bob had a conference in Detroit. We were living in Chicago. Snow was hitting the windshield but not sticking to the highway. I called people we'd visited in Detroit to tell them we'd arrived home a half hour sooner in spite of the snow. She laughed and said she supposed the Lord had not yet convicted Bob of speeding.  But then, she liked to ride with people like that.  She'd get there sooner, but have nothing to confess!

Thursday, January 21, 2016


I am so grateful to be living in this day and age when wisdom comes from so many people so much smarter than I am.  I have much to learn and I love being humbled by people whose wisdom seeps into my heart when I least expect it.  (People deliberately trying to humiliate me to make themselves feel better fail miserably.  I don't think the Lord uses them in my life.  It's the devil and their pride.)

Still reading Billy Graham's Where I Am.  His profound teaching this morning showed me how casually I sometimes read God's Word.  Yes, I have read many, many times that Jesus and the Disciples sang a hymn as they left the Last Supper.  So? Hymns are songs of praise.

Graham pointed out that Jesus went to the cross the next day!  That never dawned on me.  I've often thought about the Apostle Paul and others singing praises while in jail, being beaten, etc., but it never crossed my mind that Jesus sang a hymn when He knew what was going to happen to Him in very short order.

I mentioned it to the Pastor and he remarked that Jesus also knew the final outcome.  Hebrews said that Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him.  If I understand Jesus to be no more than an example to follow, His praise of God the Father before He went to the cross should teach me to praise Him in all circumstances.

If He's more to me, and He is, then it becomes more than a matter of begrudging example following. It becomes a matter of knowing God and enjoying Him forever. It is a matter of praising Him for no other reason than He is worthy of my praise, regardless of my circumstances. All that happens in my life is for God's glory and my good.

Sometimes, in our tough circumstances, when we don't feel particularly like praising, the Lord graciously sends someone to encourage when it's needed. Another thing I read this morning came from  Our Daily Bread.

"When we were going through a particularly challenging time with our son, a friend pulled me aside after a church meeting. 'I want you to know that I pray for you and your son every day," he said. Then he added: 'I feel so guilty,'"

"Why," I asked.

"'Because I've never had to deal with prodigal children,' he said. 'My kids pretty much played by the rules. But it wasn't because of anything I did or didn't do. Kids,' he shrugged, 'make their own choices."'

The author goes on to say "I wanted to hug him. His compassion was a reminder, a gift from God, communicating to me the Father's understanding for my struggle with my son."

Whether or not the Lord sends someone compassionate to encourage us or the enemy sends someone smug and proud to discourage, God is worthy of my praise. It's all for His glory and my good.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Blessed vs. Bitter

I had a recent Facebook post from a man telling of America enslaving blacks and robbing Native Americans. That did happen.  It can't be denied.  Both situations were a dark period in our history. My response to him was that he was exposing his bitterness,  What's to be gained by focusing on the past? History can't be changed, although there are those who are attempting to rewrite it, perhaps to hide their own shameful mistreatment of others.

On this morning's news, there was a young, beautiful, highly intelligent black woman being interviewed.  One of the several profound remarks she made is that we have a black President supported and financed by white Hollywood-the very same people Jada Pinkett and Spike Lee are now boycotting. If the powers that be made their choices on a racial basis, they've dishonored the very people they are tying to reward. They've also shown themselves to be less than honorable.

When I was selected to National Honor Society in high school, I was deeply disappointed my good friend, Ellen didn't win as well.  She deserved it so much more than me.  Then, her boyfriend made the crack that only those in the business courses won.  No one in academic courses did.  He apologized for belittling my achievement, but he was absolutely right.  My honor didn't mean as much after that.

Going back to Ms. Pinkett's outrage, I wish I could hel her understand that her actions are diminishing her husband's previous Oscar.  He won that one in the same climate and from the same people who did not nominate him this time.  At that time, did they choose him to favor his race or because he was the best?  Maybe Halle Berry can sooth her indignation. Or maybe Morgan Freeman. I'm not sure he's ever won an Oscar, but there's none better in Hollywood than him. It's good to know Ms. Pinkett is that supportive of her husband, but I wish she would rethink her position.  Accolades came to Will Smith before and he's a great actor.  They will again. He's very gifted and has proved it repeatedly.

I can't begin to remember how long it's been since I watched the Oscars. For years, I only watched to see the clothing-until J-Lo showed up in a sheer top with no bra.  I'm pretty sure that's when I stopped watching to see what everyone was wearing.

Movies and actors that have won in the past have not always been a good choice.  They were an in- your-face power statement saying it was done and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Elizabeth Taylor once remarked she "stunk" in one of her Oscar winning roles. It's been said that Marlon Brando won a sympathy Oscar for "The Godfather" because he didn't win the year before for the "Last Tango in Paris." Or maybe it was the other way around.  Richard Burton was nominated repeatedly, but never won.  Regardless, winners of awards are not always the best. "Sideways" won and a year or so later, it was admitted it was a lousy movie. Boring pornography was my assessment.

Disappointment at not being chosen is understandable.  However, if it leads to bitterness, it's a huge pitfall.  No matter how much you achieve, bitterness belittles it.  It's like drinking salt water.  The more you think negatively, the more you increase those negative thoughts, choking out the positive ones.

It's taken a long time to learn to count my blessings, but I'm grateful it's finally happened.  Not counting my blessings didn't make my life better.  It made it worse, dragging me down.  My lifestyle hasn't changed, but my attitude has and it makes the day so much more worth it. I am blessed.

Verses in Scripture have done a great deal to bless me. Psalm 89:14 says, "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.  Psalm 90:14 says, "Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days."  He makes me glad all my days.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

I am blessed

Recently, David Jeremiah said he's begun to tell people who ask how he's doing that he's blessed.  I like that.  When people ask how you are, it's not always genuine concern for how you are.  It can sometimes be a question to keep the conversation going.  If times are difficult, the questioner definitely does not want to hear a blow-by-blow account of the difficulties being experienced.

I've also come to realize moaning and groaning about my woes doesn't do me any more good than my listener.  The Bible says to speak to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.  I've come to realize the more I focus on the good things in life, the less I'm troubled by the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

We got a Christmas card one year from a dear, elderly couple in our church.  The card literally listed ever medication and the dosage they'd taken for the previous year!  Merry Christmas to you, too. I vowed I would make every effort to keep my Christmas letter upbeat.

On top of that, I have so very much to be grateful for.  Truly, I am blessed. Lately, I've been blessed with getting in contact with friends I haven't seen in years.  What a joy.  One friend that we see about every three or four years is going to be close by and there are several people in that vicinity who would like to see her.  Some of them, I haven't seen in about 15 years, so it's going to be a grand reunion for all of us.  And, the group is growing!  We started out with four.  As of today, we're up to eight.  We've got another week to go.  Who knows how many it will be by then?

Today, I had lunch with a new friend. She's been coming to the church about six months now.  It's a mutual admiration society between us.  We have differences, such as age.  She's younger than my oldest son and yet, we also have many things in common. We talk about books, movies, experiences, and most of all, the Lord.  We pray for each other.  It's been a beautiful day.

New friends, friends of long standing, friends my own age, or young enough to be my daughter, or even granddaughter-all of them are a blessing.  Thank you, Lord, for friends.  I feel like the richest lady in town.  

Friday, January 15, 2016

I know what he's talking about

Here we go again.  I rarely agree with the pundits and talking heads about the debate.  People thought Ted Cruz was way off base saying New York values are different than the rest of the country.  Of course they are.  I lived 30 miles outside the city for two years and yes, they're different.  George Carlin said that stupid elected officials come from the people who elect them.  I give you Mayor DeBlasio, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Anthony Weiner, and Governor Cuomo who said certain religious and political bents were not welcome in New York.  New Yorkers are brash, arrogant and elitist.

Yes, they pulled together and rebuilt that city after 9/11, but it was wrong of Trump to use that tragedy for political gain.  I imagine it took every ounce of their pride to pull off that monumental feat.  As you well know, I've lived in a lot of places and every place has it's own distinct culture. As a matter of fact, there have been times when even upstate New York has called to make New York City a state because they overwhelm the political process and the conservative upstate people cannot be heard over New York City.

 Every place I've ever been, including New York City, I've not understood the culture and I've paid dearly for it.  In New York City, I didn't know to step off a crowded subway (instead of just trying to make a path through the crowd) and back on when everyone else got off.  I got pushed onto the platform, along with New Yorkers who knew to step off and back on.  In Chicago, I didn't know that banks did not accept money wires. It was supposed to go through check cashing places.

So, yes, Ted Cruz is right, but New York City got it's feelings hurt and it may come back to haunt him.  Isn't it funny how they automatically took it in a negative way?  If they're so much better than the rest of the country, why didn't they take it as a compliment?  I once said to a woman that she had a lot of paintings on her walls.  She said, "Thank you."  I didn't say they were good.  I was merely commenting they were there, but she assumed it was a compliment.  Why did they automatically jump to the negative? Yes, he meant it negatively.  New Yorkers are different.  They're not conservative, as he pointed out. So, get over yourselves.  Own it. If New York's liberal progressive politics are so wonderful, why not proudly say so? If the media keeps harping on it, it may hurt Cruz, but it didn't seem to hurt him much last night in South Carolina.

Every candidate had great moments last night.  Every one of them.  The only thing I don't like is how the moderators like to stir up a fight and how Trump rudely talks over everyone.  I'm sure many didn't hear one of Cruz's good lines because Trump was mouthing off when it wasn't his turn.  If you missed it, Cruz told Trump he could build the wall when Trump said if he loses he'll go back to building homes and buildings.  No one's allowed to have an opinion but Trump.  He showed a typical New York attitude, and he's applauded for it, but is offended that his rude arrogance is not appreciated.

 Maria Bartiromo showed her blue Democrat bias on two occasions and not just from her all blue attire.  Her question about gun control showed all watching how she felt about guns. Then, she asked about entitlements, mentioning Social Security.  Social Security is NOT NOT NOT  an entitlement. It's enforced savings that the government regularly robs and then moans there's not enough there. She's an annoying New York liberal progressive.  FBN, and FNC are the only networks that are equal opportunity employers.  I would appreciate that if the liberal progressives guests and employees made sense when they talk, instead of talking emotion over everyone who's speaking logically.

Now to the "birther" issue.  Trump says Democrats will sue if Ted Cruz is chosen.  Really?  Let's talk for a minute about Obama, who was born in a hospital built two years after his birth when Hawaii was not a state until four years after he was born.  Bring it Democrats.

Listening to the news this morning, I am more certain than ever those New York media people are for Trump. The rest of the country doesn't count.  That's the arrogance I'm talking.about.

In Trump's defense, he did say something during an interview that I have long noticed, but no one except him (and me) is talking about.  I don't count because I don't have a large enough audience. He's noticed that the refugees are mostly strong, healthy young men.  You don't see women, children, and the elderly in those mobs. You see smiling faces, not faces of suffering.  You see cell phones. I'm a rich American, by world standards, and I cannot afford the latest technology. If they're so poor, how can they?

I have to say I'm grateful Rand Paul refused to come.  New York's not the only place that has arrogant people.  Yes, he has his loyal followers, but I've said before he can't get along with anyone in Congress.  How can he lead if no one will follow?  He believes his message can't be heard because he wasn't on the prime time debate.  Maybe he needs to realize his message has been heard and is not popular enough to keep him on the prime time stage.

Carly Fiorina, on the other hand, has twice been on the undercard, won both times, and moved up.
Hello, Rand Paul.  Are you listening?  Ms. Fiorina won again last night.  In fact, I would put her second, after Ted Cruz, in spite of the fact she wasn't in the prime time debate.  She makes more sense than most of the candidates and yet, she too, has difficulty getting her common sense appreciated by those people being polled.  Everyone I talk to, men and women alike think she's great, but the polls don't reflect that.  Why?

Even Jeb Bush had a good night.  I still disagree strongly with his views on Common Core and hope Lindsey Graham's endorsement does not have as positive an effect as the superstitious seem to think. When Maria Bartiromo dissed Social Security as an entitlement, I wish Mick Huckabee would have been on that stage.  He'd have called her on it.

Rush Limbaugh has often said that polls are meaningless up until 2 days before the election.  From the statistics shown, he seems to be right.  Carly Fiorina mentioned them last night, and others did the same.  At one time Newt Gingrich was leading in the polls and came in something like 5th.  So who's being asked?

The pundits and the polls have forgotten one very important thing.  God chooses our leaders for His glory and purpose.  My role is to pray and pray a lot before I vote.  He does the rest.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Tonight is another debate, so the news is full of information about the candidates.  If I were in the position, I would have questions for some of them.

For example, Hillary Clinton said in her testimony that the ambassador to Ben Ghazi was "her friend." She also said she chose him for the position.  However, she admitted that she never got one of the 600 emails he sent her, requesting increased security.  If he was such a good friend, why did it never occur to her that her good friend hadn't contacted her? Why didn't she ask about him?

If it were someone like me, I could understand instruct one of my underlings to contact the person and find out what's going on.  Why didn't she do that? Surely someone could have told her that he'd been repeatedly trying to contact her. I don't have a staff of hundreds, maybe thousands.  I often think of friends who've not been in contact for a long time and wonder how they're doing.  I'm one person. I couldn't instruct people I don't have to keep me posted on a someone who's not been in contact.

It's been heavily reported by the media that the Clintons are notorious for cutting someone off if there's any kind of disagreement.  Is that what happened? That 600 number bothers me.  I would have given up long before I reached that number. It's obvious the man was desperate.  If he was such a good friend, how could the information have been withheld without Clinton's knowledge?

The news said the other day that European bettors are better indicators of our winners than the polls. According to them, Clinton will be the next President.

I can see where that could happen.  Why?  Her husband was quite popular when he was President. By putting him on the campaign trail, it brings back memories for those who liked him.  They remember the Clinton's had a co-presidency and expect them to do it again. He'll be back in the White House and those who like him will expect him to be in charge again.

Of the Republican candidates, I have to wonder why they're becoming so much like the Democrats. Why all the putting someone else down in order to raise themselves up?  The media is on top of every sneeze the Republicans ever made (slight exaggeration, but not much).  Let them do the dirty work.  I want my leader to be noble, dignified, mature - a good leader.  I'm not interested in this finger pointing.

Finger pointing suggests desperation.  Why doesn't Trump read the laws about American citizenship. If it was so important to him, why did he back off when Obama finally showed a birth certificate from a hospital that reportedly was not built until 2 years after Obama was born?  The truth is Obama's mother was an American, unless she renounced her citizenship.  That would make it a totally different story.  Ted Cruz is an American citizen.  By law.  Legally.  So, move on already.

I would also ask Trump why no one is allowed to discuss his bankruptcies and marriages without him whining that people are being unfair.  He says he gave to all political candidates, not just Hillary Clinton.  Who among the Republicans did he give to?  Why hasn't anyone brought that up?

Why does he consider himself a conservative when he's for so many Democrat policies, including single payer insurance (Obamacare)?  Personally, I would appreciate it if he were able to say something more of substance than he would get the best people to work out a problem.  The media says he doesn't play well with others, so why if that's true, would he start now?

Has anyone thought about the fact that 20% of the Democrats say they like him well enough to vote for him?  Is that because he's more in line with liberal and progressive points of view?  Or is it because they're doing what many Republicans did in '08?  They crossed over and voted for Obama because they had such disrespect for Hillary.  Is that devious behavior going to come back to bite us? Will they do everything they can to get Trump chosen so they can then vote for Hillary in the election?

I deeply admire the man for the way he's reared his children.  No drugs. No alcohol.  Could he do the same for the country?

As for other candidates, I would ask some of them why they're hanging on. 1%, 2%, less than 1%. If those would drop out, perhaps the polls would change and we'd have a more clear idea of who the best candidate would be.

I would specifically ask Jeb Bush why he's been so rough on the very man he's mentored.  I would ask people why they think Rand Paul would make a good leader.  He can't get anyone in Congress to agree with him, what makes him think they will once he's President?  I could ask the same thing of Ted Cruz.  I must admit I believe the reason Cruz has a hard time getting people to go along with him is that he's busy pointing out the mistakes Congress is making and they don't like it.  That may make him a hard candidate elect.

Even talking heads are confused about what Kasich is talking about when he tries to present his point of view.  Me, too.  I guess, then, my question to him would be what in the world are you talking about?

The plethora of debates has done a great deal to help me narrow down who I'd vote for.  When it started, I was genuinely confused.  There were so many who seemed well qualified.  Now?  Not so much.  One by one, they've disappointed me and helped me to see I wouldn't want them as leader of this country.

Having said all that, I am ecstatic to know that I can rest securely in the knowledge that God chooses our leaders.  It's easy to see that every potential leader has clay feet.  Every one of them has said or done things that are not in the best interests of the country, but theirs instead.  It takes a huge ego to run for high office and often that ego gets off track.

It's often been said that Israel is God's time table.  Events that happen in the Middle East are following Scripture in a way most of us never dreamed possible.  That being the case, the United States is NOT mentioned in Scripture.  Lion cubs are mentioned, possibly alluding to America as England's colony.  Otherwise, no mention of this country, indicating we will no longer be a world leader.  Personally, I think that's already happened.  And, it's going to get worse.

The good news is Jesus is coming back.  Then, we'll have a world leader Who will bring peach for 1,000 years.  Lord, just keep me faithful.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Finished Corrie ten Boom this morning and started Billy Graham's latest book.  In it, he had a quote from President Theodore Roosevelt I consider profound.  "When you educate a man in mind and not in morals, you educate a menace to society."  Powerful words, indeed.

A writer of antiquity, Andrew Murray, said the same thing.  He pointed out that the devil tempted Eve by telling her she would have knowledge if she ate of the tree.  Eat she did along with Adam and we are still suffering consequences today-unless sin is repented and Jesus Christ has come into the heart.

Further in Dr. Graham's chapter, he states, "Greater than the enemy outside is the enemy within-sin. Every major civilization before us has disintegrated and collapsed from internal forces rather than military conquest." Those words capture a great deal of what I was trying to say in yesterday's blog.

We need to realize that ISIS is not our enemy.  They're that outside force that will be the consequence of the internal disintegration and collapse we are guilty of in our pride, greed, envy, corruption, and violence.  The news said the other day that people are angrier today than they were a year ago.  How's it working out for us?

It's frustrating, I know, to watch people behave with impunity.  However, I need to realize they'll not always get away with their corruption.  Even if they seem to, they still have to answer to Holy God in eternity.  I don't envy them.  I feel sorry for them. Eternity in hell is a horrible price to pay for rejecting Jesus Christ.

So, what's my part?  What am I to do?  I go back to Betsy ten Boom, Corrie's sister.  It is my responsibility to tell them of the love of Jesus.  Whenever Corrie would express anger or frustration at the behavior of her enemy, Betsy would correct her and say she felt sorry for them.  They were suffering.

And, they are.  Anyone who doesn't know Jesus is suffering.  They may be blind to it, but it's there none the less.  That's why there's pride, greed, envy, corruption, and violence.  As a follower of Jesus, I need to show the love of Jesus to those who don't know about it.

I've often heard young people say they admire the lifestyle of the elderly.  But, they don't follow it. Why? Are they too proud to admit they've made mistakes? Have they not been taught the same things of those they admire?  Are they feeling hopeless, that there's no use?  Are they afraid of being ostracized by their peers?

From the time of Adam and Eve, we've all fallen, made some horrible mistakes.  Every effort at living a peaceful and orderly life seems to just be another mistake, like a domino effect.  The young who admire the elderly need to understand we have regrets, too.  But, we've found the One Who will wipe the slate clean.  That's what we need to be telling them.  Whether or not they listen is their ball park.  If they want an end to pride, envy, greed, corruption, and violence, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life.  Abundant Life.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

No complaints

Right now, I'm reading The Hiding Place.  It's so humbling to read about people who are able to thank the Lord for everything, as we're commanded to do in Scripture.  Fleas.  Betsy ten Boom, if you haven't read the book thanked the Lord for fleas, much to the consternation of her sister, Corrie. Then they learned the guards didn't come near their barracks because of the fleas.  Betsy and Corrie were able to conduct nightly Bible studies without punishment.

It's very difficult to thank Him for everything and it's not easy to wait around for Him to reveal His plan.  At least, that's the way I've found it. I've often found myself wondering what the Lord is up to.
Especially now, when we are in the beginning of an election year.  What is God's plan for America?

It's a nail biter for me.  There are several good candidates and I'm still not sure who I'll vote for.  That makes me grateful our primary is not till March.  Maybe by then, some will drop out and make the choice easier.

According to the news I'm not the only one who's amazed to hear Trump say the outrageous things he does with impunity. I firmly believe he's in first place in the polls for more than the reason that he's saying what a lot of people are feeling.  Trouble is, it's never a good idea to vote your feelings.  We need to vote our logic.  The other reason I believe he's still number one is that the rest of the field is divided among so many.  Once the field narrows, will he still be number one?  If that's God's plan.

Now, on the Democrat side, Hillary's launched her strongest weapon-former President Bill Clinton. He's another one who said and did many things with impunity.  Since the Clinton's had a co-Presidency, is that the plan for 2016?  Will people fall for it? Will they hope that if they vote for Hillary, her husband will have 16 years as President, instead of 8, like the law says?  Again, if it's God's plan.  I need to say here that I'm praying neither scenario is God's plan.

Many Christians are sensing now is the time for America's downfall.  It could be.  Or not. It's God's plan and He hasn't let me in on it. One thing I am grateful for if America is going down while I'm still here is that God has promised to give me the words to say.  He has promised never to leave us.  He is my refuge, my strength, my joy.  It's every reason to be grateful and no reason to complain.  At least it's not fleas.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Way to go

Sigh.  Here we go again.  Windows finally got it right when they came out with Windows 7. Windows 8 and Vista were so bad, they not only didn't last long, Windows 9 was skipped altogether and voila! they came out with Windows 10.

It's bad enough that I'm so very challenged on computers, but when this nasty little devil decides it thinks it knows what I want and departs for places unknown, I get upset.  That's putting it mildly. Daily meltdowns are now occurring.  And I can't do a single thing about it.  Unless I want to be even more confused and spend a lot more money to get an Apple.  Supposedly, Apples are easier to use, but harder to learn.  Regardless, I'm frustrated.

My daughter-in-law suggested checking out tutorials on youtube.  I need one on one instruction and I doubt I'll get that.  I tried to get my favorites back up today and followed each prompt very carefully, only to come full circle and meltdown, but no favorites.  It took Bob about 30 seconds to figure out there was one little icon on the right that would restore favorites.  Was that even mentioned in the instructions?  Of course not. So, I'm going to bit the bullet and pay for lessons.  Take that computer!

I'm not a stupid person, but I have to admit this blankety-blank-blank-blank machine makes me feel like I was born without a brain.  Teens are getting rich on changing the Internet and forcing us old geezers to buy things we don't want, don't like, don't understand, and can't afford.  Humbug!

When my boys were growing up and a neighbor child complained of misbehavior, my first question was what was their part in the situation.  It's only fair of me to do the same thing to myself.  My part? I want things to settle down. They're going too fast.  I want to be able to learn how to use this and continue to use it, not have to learn something new before I even get well practiced on what I have learned.

I've never wanted a computer, never liked them, have never spent a great deal of time learning how to use them, so it's no wonder I'm not doing so well.  But, then, I'm an amateur and freely admit it.  On the other hand, Windows is supposed to be the expert and they can't even get it right.  Maybe if they would, I could.