Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thanks, Ted Cruz

Listened to Sheriff Clarke on Hannity's radio broadcast today.  He is replacing Hannity at least for today.  He was interviewing Ted Cruz and I have to say I was deeply impressed.  To give you an idea of how much, after the first debate, I had him listed as number seven!  I have to say he's moved up considerably on my list.

Why?  The first thing I heard him say was that Washington insiders have a spirit of fear.  Right straight out of Scripture.  He is not ashamed of the Lord and I admire that.  He and Sheriff Clarke then had a long conversation about the tragic targeting of our policemen.  The EMTs were also included and it took me back many years when our son was an EMT.  

There had been an accident on a 2 lane, winding mountain road in Missouri.  Dan immediately stopped and checked on the condition of those involved in the accident.  When the EMT's arrived, Dan then directed traffic.  It was infuriating to watch people who thought they were too important to allow an off duty EMT to slow them down. (He pinned his badge to his sleeve.) I couldn't believe it, but some people are that ignorant and arrogant.  And stupid.  Did that idiot in the late model Cadillac really want my great big son, Dan, to use his night stick and put a huge dent in his pretty, white car?  Dan's size should have been warning enough.  And, yes, that's what the police taught him to do when he was directing traffic.  When Dan returned to the car after all officers and EMT's had arrived and took over the situation, I remarked about some people's behavior. Dan remarked that many EMT's had been injured in the line of duty and the courts would not honor their service.  

Finally, Sheriff Clarke asked Senator Cruz why he hadn't attacked Donald Trump.  He had nothing but positive things to say about his opponent.  He cited the excitement Trump has brought to the election process and the Republican Party.  Cruz went on to say his own campaign has benefited from Trump's campaign.

In fact, he's invited Trump to join him in Washington this weekend to fight the Iran deal.  He commented that Trump would bring the media and that would inform still more people of the danger this country is facing because of this deal.  He mentioned he was the one who'd led the fight to keep the man from replacing Holder who'd once asked to defend a cop killer.  I remembered the situation, but was unaware it was Cruz who'd led the fight.  My hat's off to him. It is one of the few times Obama was shut down.  Do it again Senator Cruz!

There are so many really good candidates running for the Presidency this time around and, quite frankly, I don't know who to vote for.  Thankfully, it's still more than a year away and that leaves time to learn about the candidates.  I'm even more grateful that God will choose our leader for His glory and purpose.  

I cannot sign off without saying how much I appreciate Sheriff Clarke.  And upright, noble, honorable man.  We need more like him, too.  Thank You, Lord for him and others like him. Thank you, too, for Senator Ted Cruz.

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