Friday, September 11, 2015


Bob and I were out running errands this morning when a pickup pulled in front of me with a decal on the back window that is the subject of this morning's rant.

It reminded me of a friend who was staying overnight with friends.  Idly, she picked up a magazine on the side of the bed and began to flip through it.  It was a "Playboy."  She immediately threw the magazine back onto the nightstand and later remarked she wished Scripture would stick in her head that way those pictures did.

I hear her.  I could not take my eyes off that decal, try as I might.  It was almost like it was magnetized.  It was the F bomb, with the f and the k done in military rifles, turned to make sure you knew it was the F bomb cursing Obama.

I don't understand why people are blind to the fact that the word can be a curse or a blessing, but not both. Sex is a beautiful blessing to be shared between a husband and his wife.  Used as an epithet, it's a curse on someone.  The Bible says salt and fresh water cannot come from the same source.  So which is the reference to sex for the users of F bombs?  Actually, there are many, many expressions to express deprecatory statements referencing sex. For example, how can any wife feel like she is truly loved by her husband when he talks about screwing someone in business and then comes home and does the same thing to her?

I resent the crudeness our culture has adopted and yet, if I complain, I'm called all sorts of nasty names and the ugliness exacerbates. Those curses, thanks to my relationship with Jesus Christ, are like water off a duck's back.  They don't stick because I'm sheltered under His wings, but it still is disturbing.  It makes me long for the day when no man would curse in front of a woman, let alone say some of the things they say today with impunity.  Sadly, today, many woman are as foul mouthed as men.  It's no wonder they think none of us mind what they say and how they say it.  Well, I do.

Not only is our audio becoming crude, the visuals have been in  lock step with what people are forced to listen to, whether they want to or not. Another friend said she was driving in her city when a pickup in front of her had a very large picture of a couple obviously copulating on the tailgate.  Her young son was with her and she called every authority in the city to see if it could be removed.  No dice.  There was nothing that could be done.  Freedom of expression, you know.

To be honest, I'm also distressed at so many people who have blithely taken up the expression, "Oh, my God."  Don't they know they are doing a whole lot more than distressing people who don't use that kind of language?  Much, much worse is the fact that they are taking God's Name in vain and that curses them.  I remember in the 50's when Catholics claimed it was a prayer.  Unfortunately, the world has adopted something good and turned it into a curse on themselves.

Again, freedom of expression is allowed for people to curse and say all sorts of nasty things,especially to take God's Name in vain, but should I try to proclaim the goodness, love, and mercy of God in public, I could be arrested.  Offending someone, you know.

Let me hasten to add that I have many friends and family members guilty of salty language.  In fact, one friend said she hesitated to friend me on Facebook because she was afraid her salty language would offend me.  True, I've just admitted I don't like it, but the love of Jesus for her and for my family members overrides any distress I have about hers or their language.

I'm just so sorry so many have been reduced to the helpless frustration and rage that comes out in that kind of language.  My mother used to say foul language was s sign of a lack of intelligence.  I've since come to the conclusion it's not necessarily that.  It's a matter of negative feelings being expressed in the nastiest possible way.
Jesus said what comes out of the mouth is worse than what goes in.  What goes in the mouth will eventually pass out of the body, but what comes out of the mouth is from the heart.  Hearts darkened with rage, anxiety, helplessness and frustration.  Hearts darkened with so much negativity will have an effect on physical health, emotional health, social health as well as spiritual and financial.  Is it worth it?

My son once said it was the only way he could get people's attention in his business. My other son alluded to the same defense.  But, in the day and time when foul language is the norm, even for small children, I would think that people might take notice more quickly if someone were to articulate their concerns in a new and improved manner.

Give it a try.  It can't hurt and it might even help.

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