Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Dear Mr. Trump

I wish I could get through to Donald Trump.  I'm amazed and disappointed to think he had the unmitigated gall to say that John McCain is not a hero.  My question for Mr. Trump is, "Just exactly when did you lay your life on the line for your country?  In what branch of the military did you serve?  Perhaps you were a policeman, a fireman, or an EMT?"  Shooting off your mouth does not a hero make.  You, sir, are a bully.  A loud-mouthed bully.  Especially if, as has been hinted, you popped off because Senator McCain called your admirers in Phoenix crazies.  How childish!!

Your words do nothing to dispel the myth that good businessmen cannot be honorable, noble, kind, or gracious.  Now, you want to be President of the United States.  Oh, goody.  Another Johnny one-note. All you can talk about is how you'll provide jobs.   Bully for you.  In the meantime, you've already alienated Hispanics.  Do you really think you can win friends and influence world leaders while trash talking about them?  It's unfortunate that your popularity is rising, but then, look who's President now.

What about a little class?  Especially when dealing with leaders of other countries? What about a little respect for your fellow countrymen, especially our service men and women?  Your words could spark trouble somewhere that could cost them their lives.  So what about foreign policy?  Name calling and bullying won't cut it.   And, while I'm at it, how about a new hairdo?  Yours is original, I'll give you that.

As for making this country great, it's not just jobs that's needed.  That's my point.  Your good friend Geraldo says he hopes you don't mess up by getting too proud.  Too late.  Humility and gratitude is necessary to make America great again.  God has given you so much.  Have you ever once thanked Him or given Him credit?  Dignity is needed for the leader of this nation. Your response to Senator McCain was anything but dignified.  Unfortunately, dignity's been missing in this country for quite a while.  We're the laughingstock of the world and you're not helping.

There are social issues that need addressing.  Abortion, education, race relations, religious persecution, to name a few. And corruption, especially in business and politics.  What can you do about that?  Then, too, there's energy, social security, health.  What about them?

Let's bring up some nasty personal issues that are bound to come up should you actually become the Republican nominee-or pull a Ross Perot to assuage your ego if you don't.  Face it, your background could use some of this scrutiny the media loves to do on Republicans, but not Democrats.  Not once has your three marriages been mentioned.  If you can't be a loyal, faithful husband, how will the rest of us fare?  If I remember correctly, you also have a bankruptcy in your past. Congratulations, you moved past that and that's to your credit.  However, it gives pause to those of us who would look to you for jobs and financial stability.  What if your fancy wheeling and dealing fails?

For your sake and America's please get off your stump, Mr. Trump, and get on your knees.  You'll be the better for it.

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