Thursday, February 19, 2015

Another paradigm shift

It never dawned on me that others might receive comfort when I share my problems.  Not that I'm accusing anyone of being sanctimonious or superior.  One of my mentors just shared a beautiful blog, using Elijah's depression as her Biblical basis.  Because she shared her heart, I was comforted to know I'm not alone.  Her sharing gave me courage to do likewise, in the hopes that someone can be encouraged to know they're not alone.

I've struggled with a weight problem since I was 13 years old-58 years ago was my first diet.  Back then, the only recommended way to lose weight was to count calories.  That summer, I took off 25 much needed pounds.  Unfortunately, the yo-yo cycle began because it didn't take very long to gain it all back, plus.  Up, down, up, down.  I once told a friend I would die trying to lose weight, but I would never quit.  I haven't quit, but unfortunately, a quit-start has also become a vicious cycle.

Each time I try a new program, I'm sure it's the one that will forever fix my weight problem.  It hasn't.  If my readers haven't figured out by now, or if there are some who don't know me at all, I'm a born again Christian who has all the answers in her head, but they're stuck there.  I'm not systematically living them.  I know, I know, that makes me a hypocrite.  Good news, God isn't finished with me, yet. He also lived and died for the hypocrite, too.  He loves me in spite of myself.

That might make the unbeliever think, "If God is so wonderful and so powerful, why is she so fat?  If that's what it takes to be a Christian, count me out."  Shame sets in, but not enough to bring about change.

The Bible says perfect love casts out fear.  Shame probably has a fear base-I'm afraid I've failed the Lord and myself.  So, what's wrong?  Why can't I break this bondage that's held me for so long?  The Bible also talks about cleaning a house and not putting anything else in place of the demon swept out. Back he comes, with 7 more.  Before you freak out, I'm not saying I have demons!  I'm applying the principle I see in the story.  If we don't put something-Someone-in place of what swept out, the demon (problem) will come back with additional baggage.  That fact that someone gains even more after she's lost weight is well documented.

That perfect love that casts out fear can only come from One Person-The Lord Jesus Christ.  My latest effort is to join an online Bible Study called The Lord's Table.  In the few days I have participated, I have begun to learn to feast on Him, bask in His love, and He has filled the empty spot that food only makes worse.  It's been a phenomenal experience. Come join me.    

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