Monday, October 27, 2014

My bad

I received an email the other day quoting the President as saying something so reprehensible that I felt compelled to send it on.  Two good friends corrected me.  Thank you, Gary and Judy. The quote was taken completely out of context.  I'm sorry I believed it and passed it on.

Such behavior on the part of the President's opposition is wrong.  Just plain wrong.  Let me hasten to say I have no agreement with about anything our President says.  However, that does not give me or anyone else the right to stoop to sleazy tactics.  I met an honorable man in Denver many years ago who said he built his business on the principle that he would not allow himself to be  dragged into the gutter others chose to do business in.

Remember the old saying, "Cheaters never win and winners never cheat"?  Yeah, that's hard, but someday I'll stand before a holy GOD who will ask me about my actions.  Did they honor His Son, or did they shame Him?  Deceitful behavior is a lack of trust that He knows what we're up against by being honorable in a cheating world. That seems to give the cheaters an unfair advantage.  If they do win, what have they won?  When they stand before God in eternity, will they think it was worth it? When they look in the mirror now, can they do it with pride and self-confidence?  

However, if  I use the same deceitful tactics, that makes me no different. I have become as wrong as those I oppose.  I've become "The pot calling the kettle black."

There's also the understanding that words, once spoken can never be taken back.  How many people trusted me and sent that on to their address book?  Will they retract it?  And, will those who get it send it on?

One of the many things I admire about former President George W. Bush is his ability to keep quiet when liberals say things about him that are taken out of context or are outright lies.  He doesn't defend himself.  That's nobility and integrity few of us, myself included, have.  But, it's behavior, I believe, all Christians should exhibit.  How else is a world without Christ going to see a difference? It's no wonder we're considered hypocrites. The pastor reminded us just yesterday that the world will read a Bible in shoe leather long before they'll look at one in Morocco leather.  In other words, the world is watching.  

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