I'm not complaining, but it looks like this will be another Christmas in Whoville. As a matter of fact, I'm grateful. All too often, I get lost in the shopping, decorating, gift wrapping, food and all those props we use to "feel" like celebrating.

This year, it's my desire to focus on worship. If the Lord takes away the celebratory gadgets to get my attention and fix my eyes on Jesus to worship, then I'm grateful. He wants me to truly see the real reason for the season. And worship. It makes me feel blessed to realize the God of the universe would not only notice me, but he wants me to fellowship with Him. I am called, loved and kept. Who am I that I should be showered with such blessing? Even more important, who will be showered with the joy of coming to Jesus? That's the whole point of the Grinch. He was changed by seeing the Who's singing in spite of his having stolen their Christmas. I don't feel like my Christmas has been stolen but if there's no decorations, new music replaces the traditional, food changes, no Christmas plays with a 4 year old lisping, "Welcome to our program, everyone of you," no snow in Florida, there is still Christmas in my heart. I will still have family, food, music, and am about done shopping for gift cards, but they are not the focus I want to have.

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