I've been reading some books in an effort to make sure the message I present in my books is what God would have me to say. Something written by David Jeremiah brought the political situation to mind, kind of unusual since the book is about "Love, Marriage, and Sex."

Dr. Jeremiah's book is a commentary on the "Song of Song's" or "Song of Solomon," depending on which translation your Bible uses. In today's chapter, Jeremiah states that many people have trouble getting past things that Solomon did in his life that were anything but Godly. Let's be honest. 700 wives and 300 concubines is hardly a ringing endorsement for marriage. He started out great, but the Bible makes plain it was his foreign wives who led him astray. What that has to do with the Republican Convention and politics today, I'll get to in a minute.

Solomon's life was a recipient of God's grace from beginning to end. God's grace and love is beyond human comprehension and Solomon's life is a good example of that. In that day, adultery was punishable by death. Except for God's amazing grace, David and Bathsheba, Solomon's parents, could have died for their sin. God spared them and by extension, gave Solomon life.

Solomon was not David's eldest son, the typical line of succession, but Solomon was chosen to be king even before David died, another unusual situation. Both, to me, are again, evidences of God's amazing grace and Sovereignty. God led the events that transpired to make Solomon king. To his credit, Solomon asked for wisdom when God asked him what he desired in a dream. He became not only the wisest man on earth, but the richest, too, all because God favored him. Unfortunately, Solomon did not follow God wholeheartedly, and yet, God said Solomon would not face the consequences his behavior deserved. Instead, his son would.

Now, what does that have to do with what we're watching on television this week? For one thing, Trump also has been on a unique journey over the past year. When he first announced his candidacy, he was pretty much considered a joke. His faults, foibles, and sins were well known, gleefully reported, and joyfully accepted. Then, his campaign style of name calling was a guaranteed defeat or so the media would have us believe. Establishment Republican politicians have been loath to support him. They've blamed it on his campaign style, but it could be more that he's repudiated the establishment to the country and it's turned out America has agreed with him. Miraculously, he gained support in spite of his out of control mouth. It looks to me like God has His hand on Donald Trump. I can think of no other reason he's done so well when he's made so many mistakes.
Then too, as I read about Solomon, I thought about the weakness of humanity in general. We all are so quick to point fingers and scream about the sins of others to keep from dealing with our own. I know, because I've been there. What gives me the right to condemn him for Trump's past mistakes? The Bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That includes me. David and Job asked God not to remember the sins of their youth. Me too, Lord. My criticism won't change Donald Trump. That's God's job. And, it's God's job to judge him, not mine.
Dr. Jeremiah's point was that it might be better to think a little more positively instead of focusing on the negative. Is David and Bathsheba's adultery and the subsequent murder of Bathsheba's husband my first thought when I think of them? No, I remember God saying David was a man after His own heart. It humbles and reminds me of my own shortcomings. What are my thoughts about Solomon? That he had 700 wives and 300 concubines or that he was the wisest and richest man on earth? Or do I appreciate and learn from his wisdom in Proverbs? Sometimes it takes work to think positively instead of negatively. What about Trump? Should I focus on the things he's done wrong? Or should I trust Sovereign God who has stated His ways and His thoughts are not ours? I say again, I am at peace about my choice to vote for him and leave him to God.