As missionary liaison at church, I give a report about once a month. Today, I chose a different subject and it had more meaning for me than ever. Hopefully, it was helpful to the congregation as well. The reports are usually about one of the 40+ missionaries the church supports. Missionaries send letters, I read them, and make a report to the congregation in order to keep them informed.

Recently, the sending agency of one of our missionaries sent their own letter. In it, the President of the agency said he was asked more about how to pray for missionaries than anything else. He went on to suggest several ways to pray. I found them helpful. He suggested using the hand as a reminder of how to pray. Let the thumb be a reminder to pray for those closest to us. When a missionary comes to the church to speak, sometimes they will have a message that speaks to us personally. Sometimes members of the church will send support on their own to a specific missionary. Whatever makes them feel close to certain one, the thumb is to remind them, that like the digit closest to us, pray for those we feel closest to.The index finger is used to point, so use it to remind us to pray for teachers and healers. The middle finger is the tallest, making us think of church spires, so use it to remind us to pray for pastors and church leaders. The ring finger is the weakest finger on the hand and it can be a good reminder to pray for those missionaries who may have difficulties such as illness, finances, or relationships. The little finger can remind us to pray the Holy Spirit will prepare the hearts of those who are hearing the Gospel but have not yet responded.

I also told them how I was taught to pray. I pray Scripture back to the Lord. That way, I hide God's Word in my own heart, it reminds me how the Lord wants me to live and best of all, I know I am always praying God's will to be done when I use His Word. I might ask the Lord to increase their ministry (territory) like He did Jabez. Or I might pray that He will be the Shepherd that makes them lie down in green pastures. Perhaps I'll pray that they will be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in Prayer (Romans 12:12)
Last night, as I was thinking about what I had prepared for today, the thought occurred to me that Jesus prayed a blessing over 5 loaves and 2 fish. He fed more than 5000 and had leftovers. Only God can give that kind of increase. I also remembered that Jesus said we would do MORE than Him and I can't begin to describe how my faith soared. If God can feed 5000 with leftovers from 5 loves and 2 fish, He can certainly take care of any need I might have.
I've often said I'm so glad God does not count slowness as men do. It took me 30 years to get a 4 year degree. It's taken over 50 years to reach a plane of faith beyond what I've ever known or dreamed. He's not finished with me yet and He's continuing to perform the good work He began in me 54 years ago. I am humbled and filled with His praise and joy at the same time.
It's been said that Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint on her knees. I have to believe that tonight. This has been one of most difficult blogs I've ever done. Sheila, bless her little heart, is jealous of the computer and wants to sit in my lap. Try working on the computer with 23 pounds of fur in your lap! The computer has stuck it's tongue out at me all evening. Moving the pictures around has been a bear. Trying to find a picture of Jesus blessing the loaves and fish has been impossible and I may have nightmares about the devil because I was looking for visuals for this paragraph. That just tells me what I've written is necessary as a reminder to myself and all who read this. God is calling us to call on Him.
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