Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Debate

I wasn't even going to watch the debates on Thursday night.  The hype was so high and I get bored and disappointed with hype.  However, it not only lived up to the hype, it even surpassed it. Strangely enough, my opinions differed so much from the talking heads, I've wondered if I watched what they were saying took place.

In the first place, I look at attitudes.  That's why Rand Paul is now at the bottom of my list.  Yeah, he needed to get his name out there, but acting like a surly 10 year old Democrat did not cut it for me.  I get disgusted with Democrats who will not shut up and wait their turn to talk.  Paul was even told to let Christie finish, but, Democrat style, he blathered on.  In last night's focus group, Megan Kelly said he was wrong on his point.  Another reason he needed to shut up.  It's been said the reason his dad would not make a good President is that very few in Congress agree with him.  Same for the son. Leaders have to have followers and he doesn't have many, so he acts out, thinking that will win friends and influence people.  NOT me.

Same for Donald Trump.  Whine, whine, whine.  He got more time than any other candidate and came off like a big baby.  His complaint and dis of Megan Kelly was uncalled for and her question to him wasn't even the worst.  She was much worse toward Scott Walker.  Instead of asking what his alternatives were if pregnancy endangered a woman's life, she had to disparage his point by asking if he wanted the mother to die.  That's preposterous and uncalled for. It was her opinion and her slap at him for disagreeing with her own position.  She could have furthered the debate instead of cutting him down and making herself look like such an unprofessional bully.

In last night's focus group, someone remarked that allowing abortions to save the life of the mother was abused, she quickly shut the person up, with "I know it is, I know it is."  Someone's called her "Eye Candy" for FNC.  That may, unfortunately, be accurate.

I find it hysterically funny that Trump liked Carly Fiorina in spite of the fact that she was able to draw blood from him and he didn't even notice!  He liked her!  And, yet, she not only made the oft shown comment about the phone call, she also said he had changed his mind on so many things she had to wonder how he would govern.  She got her point across is a dignified, professional way.  And, everybody, except me, missed it!  Including Trump.  Funny.  He was still smarting over Megan Kelly when he should be looking over his shoulder at Carly Fiorina.

It would seem that people who've already made up their minds will not change them, no matter what. As a general rule, I would be one of those.  However, this time, there are so many really good candidates, I may have a hard time choosing.  With this first debate, I made a list of the candidates, in order of how they did at the debate.  Starting with Carly Fiorina at the top and ending with Rand Paul at the bottom.  I have five at the top that I thought did very well.  Ms. Fiorina, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, and Scott Walker are at the top.

In the 9:00 debate, I was impressed with Marco Rubio the entire way through.  Up until the debate, he wasn't on my list of favorites.  I thought he was Bush's puppet and much as I admire and respect Bush 41 and 43, I will not vote for Bush 16-unless he's the candidate, which I sincerely hope he isn't. His push on Common Cause is making his friends rich and destroying our kids.  I know.  I'm a tutor. Then, too, his brother is still hated and the name gives him too much baggage and ammunition for the Democrats.

Again, Mike Huckabee has not been on my list of preferred candidates, so he was another surprise.  I thought he was passionate about what needs to be done in this country and he stood out in the crowd on the stage.  It was hard for anyone to stand out, but he managed and I give him credit for that as well as for his stand on the issues.  But, then, I will admit, I was not going to vote for Ronald Reagan! I believe the Lord told me to because of the abortion issue.  I know, abortion is still with us, but Ronald Reagan was the best President of the 20th century and may even be number 3, behind George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  If I hadn't obeyed what I believed the Lord was saying to me, I would have missed it.

Ben Carson, I've always liked.  He's amazing.  And, as an amateur, he stood his ground against many professionals.  Not as well as Rubio, Huckabee, or Fiorino, but he stood head and shoulders above the rest of the groups. His brilliance, his history, his sense of humor, his dignity, his faith, his love of his wife makes him a total package.  I hardly even noticed he's not as politically astute as the rest of the crowd, but then, that might work very well in his favor.  Isn't that what the whole nation is belly-aching about?

Rounding out my top five is Scott Walker.  Here, I reverted more to his record than to how he did on the stage.  The rottenest question of the night (see paragraph one again) went to him.  Worse, he was given no opportunity to respond.  I lost a lot of respect for Megan Kelly for that one.  I appreciate the fact he lives what he believes.  I'm blown away by the fact he took on the unions and won.  They're every bit as corrupt as big business and need to be taken down a peg or two.  It never seems to fail. When a person or organization gets too big for their britches, they become bullies, blind to anything or anyone but themselves.  As an aside, that's what I don't like about media personalities.  The instant they make a name for themselves, they lose all objectivity.  Megan Kelly, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and Glen Beck to name but a few.  Democrats are no better.  I'm so glad Carly Fiorino scored big points against Christ Matthews.  The unions have become bigoted and bullying, too. That's why we need both sides to balance one another out.  CEO's earning millions quickly lose sight of people in their employ and unions have done the same.  Scott Walker struck some big blows for equality and I appreciate him for it.  Until Thursday night, he was my choice.

That rounds out my top five.  The following seven are eminently qualified, but did not stand out in the debate.  Anyone of them, including Jeb Bush would make a good President.  The trouble is, they just couldn't light the fire needed to get into the Oval Office.  Chris Christie leads the pack there. Then, there's Ted Cruz.  I was surprised to hear Glen Beck say he wasn't impressed with Ted Cruz. He's been pushing for him ever since he announced.  Jim Gilmore is so little known, but he was able to present his stunning credentials.  Santorum is such an honorable and admirable man. Unfortunately, he's missing that certain charisma that makes him Presidential. Same with George Pataki, Jeb Bush, and Lindsey Graham.  All have impeccable credentials, great track records, and are highly qualified, but they just didn't impress me.  In fact, after I went to bed, I started to make my list in my mind and I couldn't even remember who several of them were, especially in the 5:00 debate. Carly Fiorino was the only one I remembered.

The bottom five will have to do a lot to impress me.  Rick Perry comes in at #13 in my book.  He was weak.  And, being in the 5:00 debate after running in 2012 is not a good recommendation, in spite of his good record in Texas.  Then, there's John Kasich.  I don't like his "moderate" stance.  Face it. Moderate Republicans are really Democrat wannabes.  McCain and Romney were both Democrat wannabes and look where that got the country.  Bobby Jindal, like Trump and Paul, was using the wrong method to get noticed.  He was petulant, surly, and unappealing.

One big mistake I think all of them made is to assume the winner will be going against Hilary Clinton.  The same thing was assumed in 2008 and Obama slipped in.  In fact, I know Republicans who registered as Democrats in the primary, just to vote against Hilary.  That backfired.  Big time.  I have to wonder if Democrats will do the same for Trump or Bush.  I hope not.

Like Carly Fiorina, I wonder which Donald Trump will govern-the one who is for abortion, or the one who opposes it. When he says he's pro-life, what does he mean?  I remember an actress who had the temerity to say, "Just because I believe in abortion, don't tell me I'm not pro-life!"  When he says he knows how to deal better than the 4 opponents who lost big time when he declared bankruptcy, doesn't he condemn himself as one of the fat cats who doesn't care who he hurts?  How will he treat women?  He's had 3 wives and all are beautiful women.  So do the rest of us not count? How petulant will he be with those who disagree with him?  Will he destroy the Republicans ala Ross Perot?  He said he is running as a Republican because it gave him the best chance to win.  Being President, Mr. Trump, is NOT about winning.  It's about leading.  It's NOT all about you.  It's about this country. Doesn't anyone but me see what he really is?

Regardless, I'm praying.  Whoever wins will undoubtedly get my vote, albeit an unhappy and reluctant one if it is someone from the bottom of my list.  The Bible is clear.  God chooses our leaders and we are to respect them, no matter who they are.  Yes, I pray for Obama.  I even told him so in a letter early in his first term.  He never saw it, I'm sure.  If he did, he was laughing all over the Oval Office.  He thinks he's invincible, but God hasn't weighed in, yet.  It's the same for the 2016 election. God hasn't weighed in, yet.

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