I use the speeding car as an example of how we should treat each other and allow each to be spoken to by the Holy Spirit and allow each to listen to and obey God, not me.
In the early 1990's Bob had a business meeting in Detroit. We were living in Chicago at the time. It was late January and snowing on the return trip. The snow wasn't sticking, but it was flying into the windshield, reducing visibility. Bob cut 30 minutes off the travel time. I called people in Detroit we had visited prior to our leaving there. She said, "I see the Holy Spirit hasn't convicted Bob about doing the speed limit....But, then, I like to travel with people like that. I get there quicker and I don't have anything to confess!" Bob was a new Christian at the time and instead of scolding him about his breaking the law, she made a joke out of it. Would that we all treat others with the same dignity.
Christianity covers a very broad spectrum. Very broad and not every one of them will agree with me. That gives me no right to feel superior, or them towards me, either. However, when it comes to abortion and other things, I am firm in my beliefs and I'm going to let them be known.
The past year has brought to the public's attention that Planned Parenthood is selling aborted fetal parts. Perhaps America had to stoop that low in order for people to wake up and stand up for the preborn. Face it, we all started in the same way. The only difference between any person and a preborn fetus is age and title. We have infants, toddlers, teens, adults, and the elderly. So what's in a name? We're still all human and we all started as a fertilized egg. Science has recently discovered that there is a bright spark when fertilization takes place, further proof that life begins at conception, when the DNA is formed. The heart beat, brain wave, and spinal cord are functioning about 3 weeks after conception. Most women don't even know they're pregnant until later than that, meaning that baby feels what is being done to it when Mom chooses to terminate.

I'm not dismissing the terrible disease of Parkinson's. It has increased over the last 50 years and I'm told it's a horrible death. But, taking the life of the unborn will not stop the death of the elderly patient for long. Whether it makes the death less painful, I honestly do not know. I only know that it's been proven repeatedly that abortion is physically painful to the preborn and most often emotionally painful to the mother and family members as well. It does not solve anything, just exacerbates the problems and the pain.

Take a good look. Recognize any of those bottles? Pepsi has been a favorite in my family for over 60 years. And, now this.

Worse, what has it done to us spiritually? God gave the land to Israel because other nations had soaked the land with blood. Anyone who's ever read Scripture knows that. Adrian Rogers, now in heaven, was noted for saying if God didn't punish America, He owed Sodom and Gomorrah an apology. He's so right. We so sanctimoniously think we are superior to bloody nations now extinct. Guess what. We're worse than they are. We know better, but they didn't. We excuse ourselves by saying we didn't know. (Germany unsuccessfully tried that one.) Finally, we give up instead of fighting.
Going back to my first paragraph, I recognize the very wide spectrum included in what we define as Christianity. Only God knows who His children are and who think they are. I'm no one's judge. God didn't call me to that, but He did make this perverse atrocity known to me for a reason. Therefore, I will not now or ever again knowingly partake of any product that includes fetal tissue. Like I said, my choices have been narrowed considerably. It infuriates me to think people have the audacity to think "what I don't know won't hurt me." WRONG. God called on the Israelites to have a special sacrifice to repent of UNKNOWN SINS they committed. I didn't know I was consuming aborted fetuses, but I repented when I did learn and I intend to avoid that in every way I can. I also intend to sound the alarm. Should anyone choose to join me, please let me know. Should anyone dismiss me as a Bible-thumping, Pharisaical, bigoted crackpot, I shall wear that badge with pride and leave you to God.