No matter who anyone voted for, exchanges on Facebook have been pretty heated and at times, downright ugly. I've been, at times, as guilty as the opposition. I believe I've avoided name calling, but I've mentioned the bitterness and hatred I've noticed in what's been written about Trump and those who voted for him, me included. That's when the nastiness really turns ugly. I pray I have not stooped to their kind of language or vitriol, but was merely pointing out that the name calling and the foul language is a sign of bitterness and hatred.
This morning, as I was having my devotional time before going to the craft fair, I was reading Proverbs 10:19. "Sin is not ended by
multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues." That's from the 2008 New International Version. Years ago, I memorized it in the 1984 version, which said, "Where words are many, sin is not absent." Somehow, in all those years, that verse didn't quite have the impact it did this morning. I was immediately convicted, I know I'm not going to change anyone's mind with my debate. No one is going to change my mind with their vituperative invective. Multiplying our words on each other is a waste of time and it ruins the peace of mind. However, the prudent hold their tongues. It was time for repentance, confession, and some holding of the tongue.
I went off to the Craft Fair with high expectations and although I had some wonderful interaction with potential customers, only one person bought. I told my boss I felt like the heavens were shut up. My peace was gone. My joy was gone. Before I go to a Craft Fair, I ask the Lord to make me a blessing to those I meet and while He's at it, I would appreciate being blessed. I was blessed. Very blessed, just not financially.
It wasn't the lack of sales that left me feeling like the heavens were shut up. It was all because I let myself get sucked into some silly argument that is OVER. And, pointless. No one is changing their mind. We are as divided in our nation now as we were before the Civil War.
Glenn Beck said something several weeks ago along the same lines. Unfortunately, I didn't get the context or much of the content of what he was saying. From what I did hear, it was my understanding that he was saying all this talk wasn't helping. Did he mean all this talk was not uniting the nation? If so, I couldn't agree more. If he wasn't saying all the rhetoric is not helping, I am. That's what the Lord showed me in Proverbs 10:19 this morning.
When I am in need of comfort or learning a lesson, Scripture does the job. Again, I was reminded that we are directed to "Pray without ceasing." (I Thessalonians 5:17) I am convinced that Donald Trump is the President-elect for no other reason. Thousands upon thousands were praying all across the country. Franklin Graham spent a year, travelling to state capitols to hold prayer rallies. Over 200,000 people attended. Thousands, perhaps even millions who couldn't get there were praying in other places, at all times.
Add to that the facts that Mr. Trump made every mistake in the book and even added a few of his own, was hated by the opposition and the media, and even disliked intensely by members of the party he was part of, and perhaps you can understand why I say his victory was an answer to prayer.
Therefore, it is now time to stop the blathering and start talking to the Lord about those things that disturb me. It disturbs me deeply that our country is so very divided and no one is willing to listen to any opinion other than their own. Those who have followed my blogs know that I didn't come easily to the Trump camp. I argued against him on several occasions, but as time has gone on, I have not only come to accept him as God's choice, but as my own as well.