Romans 13:1 says, "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." Therefore, I get concerned that we're saying and doing things that are not only displeasing to the Lord, but are exacerbating the situation instead of helping it.
Like I said, the anger is understandable. It's also true that our lifestyle would not be what it is today if colonists in the late 1700's had not expressed their anger at the tyranny of England. I do think their anger was probably far more righteous than is ours today. Mob scenes at Trump rallies are getting very dangerous, but how many would be screaming and destroying property if his rhetoric had been more like that of a George Washington, a Ben Franklin, or a Thomas Jefferson? I'm NOT blaming Trump. Nor am I EXCUSING him. When emotions reach the boiling point, there's no telling what the consequences will be.
It's true adjustments need to be made in out political system and if I had political clout, here are a few of the things I would work to see changed. Term Limits. It seems like every President since Eisenhower has had big problems in his second term. Eisenhower had the U2 spy plane scandal. Kennedy didn't live long enough for a second term, but his Administration was not scandal free, either. Johnson finished Kennedy's first term and elected to his own first term, but chose not to run for the second term. His nemesis was the Viet Nam War. He expanded the number of troops exponentially, against all advice and it soured people on him.

As an aside, one of the first thing students who plan to teach are taught is to start out tough. If you're easy going in the beginning, you'll lose control and never get it back. Maybe that's what's happening now politically. Those who have clout have gone soft on crime and we're paying disastrous consequences, but I digress.
Ford pardoned Nixon and couldn't get re-elected. Then came Reagan. He, too had scandals in his Administration-especially in the second term. Bush 41 wasn't re-elected and in came Clinton and his culture of death and articles of impeachment for lying under oath. Bush 43 had his problems in his second term as well and the longer Obama has been in office, the more the country has suffered. Doesn't it make sense for the President to have one six year term? I think so.
Congress needs term limits, too. Twelve years total in office and NO pension. With the advent of the internet, there's no need for Congress to be in Washington D.C. so much of the time. They need to be home and meeting their constituents more than paling around with lobbyists and other members of Congress. Naysayers claim that all the experience will be lost by term limits. All that "experience" is what has the public up in arms, so get rid of it. If Congress were only in session, say 3 months of the year, lobbyists wouldn't be needed. In fact, I'd made lobbying a felony. Second homes wouldn't be needed for Congress. Franking privileges could be reduced, as could travel expenses. Voting could be done by internet. Surely we have experts as good as international hackers that could keep government internet communication secure.
Congress the and President would not be allowed to determine their salary. Raises need to be voted on by the people, the same as their election. Perhaps they'd be more concerned about the needs of the people who elected them instead of their own pockets. What other employer allows employees to determine their income?
Then, there's the Supreme Court. Nominated and selected for life. Not good. None has ever been impeached, although decisions they've made have been the cause of some of our problems.
Those are a few of the things I think would help our political situation, but of course, the best thing is if revival occurred in America. Events are going to change until hearts change and only God can do that. Lord, send a revival and let it begin in me.